Come and See预览

Out of the 11 disciples with Jesus the night before His death, 10 were eventually
martyred for their faith in Christ. These men suffered gruesome deaths, but their faith never
wavered. Through incredible hardship, they remained strong.
They weren’t always this bold, though. In fact, at their first test of courage, the disciples
failed miserably. Jesus knew they would scatter, leaving Him to face His death alone. He also
knew of the severe trials that waited for them after the cross. So, in His last teaching, Jesus
prepared them to stand firm.
He told them to look forward. With the disciples so focused on their current pain, Jesus
pointed out that they weren’t asking Him the most important question: “Where are you going?”
Christ has overcome the world and is seated with the Father on high. The disciples who followed
Him on earth, would one day follow Him to heaven. The conflict in front of them would always
pale in comparison to this hope that lay before them.
He told them about the Holy Spirit. This indescribable gift would faithfully guide them
into all truth, opening their eyes to the wrongness of the fallen world. Like a great defender, He
would fight the evil for them. And in their most terrifying moments, the Spirit of God would be
holding them close, never once leaving them alone.
He told them about joy. Something changed in the men the moment they saw the
resurrected Christ. Out of their deep grief from His death, came an even deeper joy at the sight of
Him alive. Their faith, which had been only words before, now became gloriously genuine and
indestructibly strong. They would never again lose sight of Him. Nothing could take this joy
Christ never promised an easy life on earth. Actually, He warned, “In this world you will
have trouble.” It is during the greatest storms when His peace is most clearly understood. So,
when the fire comes, have courage, and remember that in every attack, He has already won. Look
forward, cling to His Spirit, and in the joy of Christ, stand firm.
Read John 16
Many of us don’t consider the difficulties that Christians today face in other countries. As a
tangible reminder, begin some Christmas traditions from other countries this year. As you do
them, remember to pray for believers around the world.

Stories of the nativity are important, but the story of why Jesus came should involve so much more than a manger scene. Focusing on one chapter a day through the book of John will reveal the beauty of who Christ is and why His birth was so important. In the flurry of Christmas, keep your eyes on Him. Come and see why Jesus is our greatest gift.