Mountain Moving Faith预览

Mountain Moving Faith


Here are two ways our Lord moves mountains when we put our faith in Him. And take my word for it, there will be obstacles. In fact, testing of our faith is understood.1 Peter 1:7 says, “These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold" … so that our “faith remains strong.”

1.Sometimes one of the most seemingly insurmountable obstacles is to stay close to God and follow Him through the uncertainties.

Psalm 32:8 says, “The Lord says, I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.” Think of this verse like you’re learning to ride a bike, you feel unsteady but push the pedals down anyway, knowing you could topple over at any minute. Your mom or dad is right there to catch you, even holding on to the bike to help steady you. That’s what God does. He hovers over you like a loving parent and keeps you from falling.

When we feel that we want to go our own way, we must turn our eyes to God. The Lord will lead us toward Himself and by His hand. When we have mountain moving faith, we trust God will pull us through. He is faithful to lead us through this life and all its traps into a full relationship with Him. Ask the Lord to help you overcome the obstacles in your heart that separate you from Him.

2. Have faith that the Lord can move mountains. Clearly faithful believers are not promised easy lives. John 16:33 says we will have trouble. Our very world is broken. And we are developing strength for the journey. However, Jesus promises us that He has overcome the world and its obstacles and promises we won’t be separated from His love. Nothing in this world can overpower Jesus nor thwart His will.

When we pray in accordance with God’s will, we must have faith, no matter the odds, the will of God will be accomplished. Through prayer we're aligned with His will, we can know His will is accomplished.

When I read the amazing stories of faith in the Bible, I’m inspired by how the Lord worked through people. God has the innate ability to turn our messes into a message. He makes a way through you to reach the next person.

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Mountain Moving Faith

Do you have mountains in your life, areas in your walk with God that are hard to overcome? Do you have the faith to climb? Explore faith from a whole new perspective that will move mountains. This plan talks about mountain-moving faith, where the term came from, and how to get it. Want to make a difference in your walk with God? This is the plan for you.
