Winning Record预览

Winning Record


If we are to run the Christian race with endurance and finish well, we must keep our eyes on Jesus.

Our coach is Jesus Christ, the originator and finisher of our faith. He is our best example of how to run to win.

We are commanded by Him to do two things:

1.We must keep our focus on Christ. The Greek word “aphorao” translates to looking unto. In reality, “aphorao” literally means to look away from everything else and look at something. It stresses the fact that we are to avoid focusing on the circumstances and problems around us, and to fix our gaze on Christ alone. Peter illustrates this vividly in his encounter with Christ on the sea of Galilee. He began to sink when he took his eyes off of Jesus and look at the waves around him. Just as Peter did so long ago, we also falter when we take our eyes off of Christ. Jesus Himself was able to endure the cross and focus not on the shame, but on the prize to be won. Motivation to deny himself and complete the race was based on His confidence in God’s promises. Christ kept His eyes on the goal, and that is what gave Him strength and courage to endure suffering.

2.What must never forget His suffering. Are you feeling weary in the race? Are you beginning to lose heart and despair? Consider the suffering of Jesus Christ, which is our supreme example. Think of the hostility He faced. The rejection He endured. The humiliation He suffered, and the physical abuse He went through. He was misunderstood and forsaken by His closest friends in His time of need. If Christ could win the race, so can you! Jesus was the son of God, but Jesus was also a man. He felt the same things that we do. He went through the same struggles and same emotions, but His faith in the promises of God allowed Him to follow through.

How is your race progressing? Do you need encouragement? Are you running with endurance?

Let me challenge you to get your eyes on Jesus. Stop looking at the other runners or at the circumstances through which you are running.

With God’s grace, you too can finish well!

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Winning Record

It is easy to allow life to bring us down, and to count ourselves out. God, however, knows the plans He has for us and the adversities that we have defeated. In his latest plan, David Villa encourages us to look to our winning record when it feels like we can't go on. This is Winning Record.
