Winning Record预览

Winning Record


Do you want to know how to stay in the Christian race and not be a quitter?

Our scripture gives us the answer, for it tells us how to run with endurance. If we follow these instructions, we will not only run well, but we will also finish well.

If we are to run the Christian race with endurance and finish well, we will need encouragement.

Some of the Hebrew Christians were being tempted to drop out of the Christian race. They needed encouragement to persevere, so the writer tells them to consider the lives of saints who have successfully finished their race.

The people in Hebrews 11 testify of three truths that give us encouragement:

1.They faithfully persevered and finished their race, and we can also finish ours. They faced many hardships, but they did not quit until the race was finished. Many endured ridicule and suffering. God even called some to leave their families and make their homes in foreign lands! If they could run their race successfully, by God’s grace so can we!

2.They received God’s praise for finishing the race, and so will we if we finish ours. Many of these individuals did not receive praise from family or friends, but they all received God’s praise when they had finished. This should give us encouragement to keep running for the Lord, for when our race is over, we shall receive His praise for persevering.

3.They reassure us that God, who was reliable for them, will be the same for us.For most of the courageous men and women, there was no visible reward here for living a life of faith, but they dared to trust God. In trusting Him, they found Him to be totally reliable. He provided them grace to endure to the end.

If God honored their faith, sustained them, blessed them, and got glory from their lives, He will do the same in your life! If you think your job is too big for you, study the life of Moses. If you are tempted to retaliate because of unfair treatment, see how David handled this problem.

If you want to grow in faith, hang around men and women who have a passion for God. Choose those who are faithfully running the Christian race.

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Winning Record

It is easy to allow life to bring us down, and to count ourselves out. God, however, knows the plans He has for us and the adversities that we have defeated. In his latest plan, David Villa encourages us to look to our winning record when it feels like we can't go on. This is Winning Record.
