It Is Time to Recover All That You Lost预览

It Is Time to Recover All That You Lost


When Esther was desperate to have an immediate audience with King Xerxes, she didn't bombard the King. She never came in the throne room screaming: "O help great King!"

She took a wise approach and said, "Are you hungry. Can I prepare a banquet for you?" She deposited something before making a request. 

Please understand this important key. 

God doesn't lead those who He doesn't first fill.  Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit, then led by the Spirit. 

When David approached God, he asked two things: 

1 Samuel 30:8  - AMP

David inquired of the Lord, saying, "Shall I pursue this band [of raiders]? Will I overtake them?" And He answered him, "Pursue, for you will certainly overtake them, and you will certainly rescue [the captives]."

God gave an instruction, which required ACTION. He promises the great victory awaiting you once you move out by Faith.

1 Samuel 30:10

But David pursued [the Amalekites], he and four hundred men, for two hundred who were too exhausted to cross the brook Besor stayed behind.

His trust was in the promise of God, not the strength in numbers who accompanied Him.


Father, I am ready for the instruction of how to recover all that I have lost. I am a new creation in You and want to follow only the wisdom you impart to me. Guide me this week. I am expectant to see You do the miraculous in my life. I am expecting to have a testimony. I will tell people everywhere what You have done. Amen

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It Is Time to Recover All That You Lost

We have all experienced times when it feels like we are at a great loss. Perhaps it's the loss of a job, the loss of fervency in your relationship with God, the loss of material things etc. God's Word is our sure way to recover all. In this plan, we will discover the secret of how to "Pursue, Overtake and Recover all" that you lost in the previous season.
