It Is Time to Recover All That You Lost预览

It Is Time to Recover All That You Lost


This is a brand new day. God has strengthened you. Look at your situation with new eyes and fresh vision. Breakthrough is on the horizon. 

Listen to this: 

After David strengthened His soul by worshipping God, He INQUIRED of the Lord. You have to take ownership of your soul. 

Psalm 42:11 AMPC

Why are you cast down, O my inner self? (my soul) And why should you moan over me and be disquieted within me? Hope in God and wait expectantly for Him, for I shall yet praise Him, Who is the help of my countenance, and my God.

Only when you renew your strength can you receive instruction from God to recover all that was lost. 

Two Chapters earlier, in 1 Kings 28:5, Saul was afraid when he saw the Philistines. And he immediately inquired of God, but God was silent. 

His mistake was that he inquired from a turmoiled state. Saul did not first get strengthened in his soul. Many times we do the same. In a desperate situation, we cry out in distress: "O God! What do I do?"

Have you perhaps fallen into this trap? Not setting time aside to honor and love Him? 

Allow God to seek out your heart's intentions and let Him renew you, heal you. Seek His heart. Come to Him to know Him. 

Matthew 6:33 AMP

But first and most importantly, seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being right—the attitude and character of God], and all these things will be given to you also.

In God's presence, He changes us. He sheds His truth on our situation and refines us. We are purified in His Holy Presence. There He changes your identity. A nobody becomes somebody, a sinner gets saved, and a dirty life is transformed into righteousness.

Then, He instructs you.


Lord, today I humbly enter Your presence. Thank you that I receive mercy and find grace in Your throne room. You strengthen and make me whole. I give you the right to shine Your light into every area of my life, illuminate anything within me that is not pleasing to you. I submit to Your hand of correction. Thank you, Lord, that you love me enough to prune me. I want to bear lasting fruit in your kingdom. I initially started this plan to recover material things that I lost, but now I understand that my passion and intimacy with You was lost. I desire You more than things. You are my treasure, my King.  

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It Is Time to Recover All That You Lost

We have all experienced times when it feels like we are at a great loss. Perhaps it's the loss of a job, the loss of fervency in your relationship with God, the loss of material things etc. God's Word is our sure way to recover all. In this plan, we will discover the secret of how to "Pursue, Overtake and Recover all" that you lost in the previous season.
