A Better Way预览

A Better Way


Unbroken Fellowship With the Father

We talked yesterday about how we can trade our busyness for a pace of peace, but here’s the kicker: True peace is only found in the presence of God. 

We can’t just take a break and expect a breakthrough. Instead, we have to seek God, trusting that He alone can give us the rest we need. 

Jesus modeled this by withdrawing often to lonely places to pray. And we’re called to do the same thing. John 15 explains: 

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5 NIV

Apart from Jesus, we can do nothing. That’s why the most important thing we can do is connect with our Creator. In Him, we find all that we need. 

So what do you do if you’re trying to connect with the Father, but you feel farther from Him than ever? 

  1. Keep praying. In Luke 18:1-8, Jesus tells the story of a persistent widow who keeps asking a stubborn judge for justice. Eventually, the judge caves because of her consistency. You may not be getting the answers you want—or feeling like you’re getting any at all—but God hears you, and your patience is worth it.
  2. Evaluate your request. Maybe your lack of answer is an indicator that you can adjust what you’re asking for. Perhaps you’re asking God for clarity, but He wants you to grow in your trust. So instead of praying for clarity, you might ask for greater trust in God’s plan. Of course you can continue asking God for what you want, but consider what you might need, and ask for that instead. 
  3. Change it up. Think about your closest friendships. Over the years, your relationship has probably changed, right? It would be boring if you always kept the same patterns every time you hang out. So consider changing up your prayer life, too! You could try journaling your prayers, praying a Psalm or the Lord’s prayer, spending more time listening, walking around while you pray, or praying with other people. 

Even David—a man after God’s own heart—wrote some Psalms crying out to God about why He wasn’t answering, so you’re not alone if you feel far from God. But know that He is with You, He is for you, and He will meet you when you don’t give up. 

Pray: God, lately I feel like I’m missing Your presence. I know You’re here, but I can’t seem to connect with You. Show me any areas in my life that might need to shift for me to hear Your voice, and help me experience You in a fresh new way. Thank You for always listening. In Jesus’ name, amen. 

Practice: What’s one way you could change up your prayer life this week? Think about it, then commit to trying it out for the next few days. 

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A Better Way

Do you ever feel like you’re doing all the right things with all the wrong outcomes? Maybe you’re trying to connect with God, but you feel farther from Him than ever. If you’re on the brink of burnout, this 7-day Bible Plan, accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s message series, is for you. It’s time to stop working for Jesus and start walking in the way of Jesus.
