A Better Way预览

A Better Way


A Better Way

Do you ever feel like you’re doing all the right things but experiencing all the wrong outcomes? Maybe you’re reading your Bible, spending time in prayer, and serving others, but you still feel distant from God. Or maybe you’re being obedient to God, but your life feels like it’s falling apart. 

Does that tension leave you feeling anxious, frustrated, or resentful? 

At some point, we’ve all been there. Your spiritual intimacy becomes a distant memory, and you’re not sure what to do or where to turn. 

What do you do when the work you’re trying to do for God is destroying the work He’s trying to do in you?  

Did that question hit too close to home? You’re not alone, but there’s hope for a better way. 

Your faith isn’t supposed to be a spiritual checklist, earning you God points for a job well done. It’s easy to confuse work for Jesus with the way of Jesus, but there’s a big distinction we need to remember. 

You are not God’s employee. You are His child. And as His kid, He wants your full heart more than your full hands. 

So if you’re feeling lost, tired, or empty, there’s good news for You. Jesus came not only to fulfill God’s will but also to show us the Way. 

Early Jesus followers referred to Christianity as “The Way,” because to know Jesus is to know how to live and where to go. Just look at what Jesus says about Himself: 

… “I am the way, the truth, and the life ...” John 14:6 NLT

And the writer of Hebrews described it this way: 

By his death, Jesus opened a new and life-giving way through the curtain into the Most Holy Place. And since we have a great High Priest who rules over God’s house, let us go right into the presence of God with sincere hearts fully trusting him. … Hebrews 10:20-22 NLT (emphasis added)

Jesus is our better way. In His life, death, and resurrection, He paved a path forward for us—one where we don’t have to strive for God’s approval or attention. Instead, He gave us full access to the Father—access that brings peace, freedom, and rest. 

If you’re feeling distant from God, know that He is not absent from you. His presence is available, and He is nearer than you think. Call out to Him. Bring Him your pain, your frustration, and your unmet expectations, knowing that He cares, He sees, and He will show you the way. 

Over the next few days, we’ll talk about why following Jesus promises a better way to go through life—not an easier way, but a better way—offering some spiritual practices to try out each day. 

Pray: God, I’ve been feeling far from You lately. But I know that You are with me, and You care for me. Today, I bring You all of my frustration, my doubt, my pain, and my resentment, and I ask that You would fill me with more of Your presence, Your peace, Your purpose, and Your passion. In Jesus’ name, amen. 

Practice: Be honest with God this week. When you feel angry, empty, or resentful, tell Him about it. Write it down. He can handle your hurt, and He’d rather You be honest with Him than walk away from Him. 

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A Better Way

Do you ever feel like you’re doing all the right things with all the wrong outcomes? Maybe you’re trying to connect with God, but you feel farther from Him than ever. If you’re on the brink of burnout, this 7-day Bible Plan, accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s message series, is for you. It’s time to stop working for Jesus and start walking in the way of Jesus.
