FCA Rise Devotional For Competitors预览

FCA Rise Devotional For Competitors


Fear Factor! NOT!


“For they all saw Him and were terrified. Immediately He spoke with them and said, “Have courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” – Mark 6:50


Spiders, monsters, and darkness can provoke fear and a good scream. Cancer, failure, death, and loneliness can also incite fear into our lives. In athletics we fear failure, losing, injury, getting cut, or even getting fired if you are a coach.

Fear doesn’t discriminate with race, gender, or age. Fear doesn’t care how good your team is or isn’t. Fear couldn’t care less about your finances, your residence, or your looks. Fear is the Devil’s best friend and an enemy of Jesus Christ. Fear wants to paralyze and destroy your life.

We read in Mark 6 that Jesus was alone praying in the hills while the disciples were in the middle of the lake. A storm approached from nowhere and they were in trouble. At 3:00 a.m. Jesus walked on the water, taking a stroll across the wild wavy lake! The Bible says that as He walked on the water, “He intended to go past them.” But He didn’t.

They thought He was a ghost. Terrified, they cried out to Jesus. And the one who was behind them, with them, and goes before them said, “Don’t be afraid! Take courage! I am here!” Then He simply climbed in the boat. He could have finished His stroll. Instead, He chose to prove His presence and sit in the boat with them. The storm ceased, they were amazed, and fear was gone!

Life is tough and we can all find things to fear. Find comfort and peace with Jesus Christ! The one who can walk on water and calm storms goes behind you, with you, and in front of you.


  1. What frightens you?
  2. How do you handle your fears?
  3. What can you do to remember God is with you?


  • Isaiah 41:10
  • Mark 6:45-52
  • Romans 8:38


Heavenly Father, I invite You into my lifeboat! Calm the storms of my life. Thank You for sitting with me now! Amen.

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FCA Rise Devotional For Competitors

Every competitor faces a moment in his or her career when they must rise. Jesus Christ gives strength and courage to carry your faith into your sport and make a difference for Him. It’s time to rise! The FCA Rise Devotional tackles issues that coaches and athletes face during competition and in life. This 31-day plan will also help establish a consistent, daily quiet time with God, and includes extra readings and suggested prayer. We would like to thank the Fellowship of Christian Athletes for providing this plan.
