FCA Rise Devotional For Competitors预览

FCA Rise Devotional For Competitors


Twenty Seconds of Insane Courage


“The one who is truly lazy in his work is brother to a vandal.” – Proverbs 18:9


In the movie, “We Bought A Zoo,” Matt Damon plays the role of a British writer who rescues a failing zoo while coming to terms with his life as a single father. In this movie he says, “Sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage.” I love that line, but could it really be true? Absolutely!

In the Bible, how long did it take for Peter to step out of the boat and walk on water to Jesus? How long did it take for the woman with a bleeding disorder to reach out and touch the robe of Jesus? How long did it take David to throw down his armor and run towards Goliath?

It doesn’t take long for your life to change. One moment, one decision, and suddenly you can be moving in a different direction. That can be bad. But it also can be good! It’s time to go all out for God! It’s time to set some God-sized goals! Stop pointing out the problems and become part of the solution. It starts with one step of faith and twenty seconds of insane courage!

I challenge you to share your testimony. Pray for a friend. Lead your FCA Huddle or youth group Bible Study. Volunteer to pray. Share your faith. Stand up and walk away when things get vulgar or disrespectful. Burn the sinful bridges and blaze new trails for God! Say an encouraging word to the person working the cash register! Twenty seconds of insane courage for God! Do it!


  1. What great risks have you taken in life?
  2. What all-out goal for God will you set today?
  3. Who will hold you accountable to doing it?


  • Philippians 3:14
  • Deuteronomy 31:6
  • Joshua 1:9


Heavenly Father, I ask that today Your Spirit will empower me to take twenty seconds of insane courage to live for You! Help me to not hold back, but to live with boldness for You! Amen.

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FCA Rise Devotional For Competitors

Every competitor faces a moment in his or her career when they must rise. Jesus Christ gives strength and courage to carry your faith into your sport and make a difference for Him. It’s time to rise! The FCA Rise Devotional tackles issues that coaches and athletes face during competition and in life. This 31-day plan will also help establish a consistent, daily quiet time with God, and includes extra readings and suggested prayer. We would like to thank the Fellowship of Christian Athletes for providing this plan.
