Christian Foundations 7 - Baptism预览

Christian Foundations 7 - Baptism



When I teach new preachers, I emphasize the need to speak the truth, call people to respond, and tell them how to respond. In this passage, we will read about the ending of Peter’s first sermon. The Spirit had come on Jesus’ disciples accompanied by all sorts of powerful signs and so Peter preached impromptu to the astonished onlookers. But he clearly had not sat in my preaching class, because he didn’t tell them how to respond to the gospel. They actually had to ask the disciples what to do next. They wanted to know how they were to respond to this incredible message about Jesus. Peter’s reply was clear. Check it out.

Read: Acts 2:36-41


1. What is God saying to me? Which verse is most significant?

2. What do I want to discuss/explore further?

3. What do I need to do?

4. What did the new believers have to do and what happened?


What an incredible reaction to the gospel of Jesus. Imagine getting 3,000 responses the first time you preached the good news about Jesus. Obviously, God’s Spirit was working powerfully through Peter. The first Christian baptismal service must have gone on forever, but I bet no-one complained. The kingdom of God was on the move as Jesus had promised.

So what does this tell us about baptism? As with John’s baptism, it was associated with repentance and forgiveness of sins. This is an issue that makes the practice of infant baptism difficult. There is no personal repentance. Many churches only baptize believers – those who have repented of their sin and received forgiveness from Jesus. If you were baptized as a baby, you can still be baptized as a believer. This is not rejecting your previous baptism but is actually affirming the promise and expectation of your parents that in time you would personally choose to follow Jesus. It is your confirmation of that promise and prayer of your parents.

Baptism here is also associated with the gift of the Holy Spirit. Those baptized came out of the water to a new life in the power of the Holy Spirit. It was through their baptism that they received the Holy Spirit.

This raises a key question. How important is baptism? In this situation, it appears that new believers were saved through their baptism. Without baptism, there would have been no salvation. But that’s because baptism was the way the early Christians responded to the gospel. In some places in the New Testament (like here), baptism seems to be the same as salvation. But it is not. Baptism is the outward symbol of the internal change that God brings in us through the work of Jesus. Baptism is really important, but it doesn’t save us. Jesus does that.


Lord, the words of Peter are echoing in my mind, “Repent and be baptized every one of you.” My heart is to follow you and obey you. Give me the strength to do what you are asking of me.


If you get a chance today, ask someone about their baptism – what happened and what it meant to them.

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Christian Foundations 7 - Baptism

Baptism is the seventh in a series of studies that help you establish a strong biblical foundation as a follower of Jesus. In this plan, we look at what the Bible says about the meaning of baptism and when you should be baptized. This plan is particularly for followers of Jesus who have not yet been baptized.
