Christian Foundations 7 - Baptism预览

John and Jesus were related so they knew about each other. But when Jesus turned up to be baptized along with John’s converts, John was absolutely flabbergasted. He is thinking, “Why does Jesus want to be baptized?” John was calling people to repent and turn away from sin. But Jesus was sinless. John was preparing people to be part of a new move of God. But Jesus was this new move of God. He did not need to prepare for anything. Can you see John’s dilemma? Why on earth was Jesus wanting to be baptized. It just did not make sense. As John puts it to Jesus, “You should be baptizing me.”
Read: Matthew 3:13-17
1. What is God saying to me? Which verse is most significant?
2. What do I want to discuss/explore further?
3. What do I need to do?
4. Why do you think Jesus chose to be baptized?
To appreciate what is happening here, you need to understand the timing of this event. Up until now, Jesus has been working as a tradie (probably a chippie) in his small hometown of Nazareth. He has led a very ordinary and mostly uneventful life for about 30 years. Very few people know who he is. But God is stirring in him and he recognizes that his preaching and healing ministry is about to begin. So he leaves home and heads towards the Jordan River to be baptized by John. Something new is going to happen.
Obviously, Jesus’ baptism was not about repentance. He had nothing to repent of. But it was about commencement and installation. It was like the appointing of a new prime minister after an election. They have a new role, a new calling. By being baptized, Jesus was indicating his availability to God to do whatever was needed. Through his baptism, Jesus indicated that he was committed to bringing in God’s new kingdom and God responded by sending his Spirit to empower him for this mission. And of course, God the Father was incredibly pleased with and proud of his Son.
Jesus shows us that baptism is not just about repentance but can also be about commitment and new empowerment. Sometimes I am asked, “Is there any point in being baptized if I’ve been a Christian for a long time?” I always point to Jesus. He was baptized after serving God for 30 years. I grew up following Jesus, but at 15 I knew that I had to be baptized like Jesus. I knew that it was time to declare publicly that Jesus had saved me and that I would follow him for the rest of my life.
John was shocked by Jesus’ request for baptism, but he finally agreed. As soon as Jesus came out of the water, the heavens opened, and the power of the Spirit fell on Jesus. John would not have missed it for the world. God was at work in a new way.
Lord, I am at the start of something new. This is both exciting and daunting. May I follow in your footsteps. May I obey like you. You have set the example. May my baptism bring honor to God and fresh empowerment for all you have called me to do with you.
Write a list of questions you have about baptism. If they are not answered by the end of this plan, make sure you check with a pastor or mentor or friend.

Baptism is the seventh in a series of studies that help you establish a strong biblical foundation as a follower of Jesus. In this plan, we look at what the Bible says about the meaning of baptism and when you should be baptized. This plan is particularly for followers of Jesus who have not yet been baptized.