
One Day, He Returns

We've walked through this study, starting with the birth of Christ, the baptizing of Christ, and the death and resurrection of Christ. Now we are at the most sought after point in the Bible from a Christian's standpoint, the second coming of Christ. 

You won't have to worry about having 20/20 vision. If it's too bright, too dark, you're sleeping, you're at work, a believer or atheist, everyone is going to see Jesus return. Not everyone is going to be happy about seeing Him coming, but everyone will see Him.

 On that day, we as believers won't have to worry about what we thought He would look like; we will be joyous at the sight of Jesus coming to gather us home. In verse 27, you'll read about Jesus sending the angels to gather his elect.

Like I said, not everyone will be happy to see Him coming because, at that point, it will be too late to take Him as your Savior as He's coming for judgment on that day.

But until that day comes, you and I have the opportunity to accept Christ as our Savior. So before we are seeing Jesus in the clouds coming in great Power and Glory, here are the verses to the road of Salvation.


The Romans Road to Salvation

  • The Problem - Romans 3:23 
  • The Consequences - Romans 6:23
  • The Love - Romans 5:8
  • The Trust - Romans 10:9-10
  • The Assurance - Romans 10:13

If you have not taken Jesus as your Savior, please know that without Christ Jesus as your Savior, you are dead in your sin. If you were to die today, you would live eternity in hell.

If you have accepted Jesus as your Savior, rejoice for all things have been made new, and you my brother/sister are now part of the elect that will be gathered at the coming of the Son of Man.

Uncommen Questions:

Are you happy at the thought of the second coming of Christ? If not, why? 

Have you read through the Roman Road?

Uncommen Challenge:

I challenge you to get serious about where you will spend eternity. Today you have the choice to make yourself. On the day of judgment, that choice will be made for you.


Scripture Reference:
Mark 13: 1-37

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In a year labeled in 2020, we thought it would be great to develop a devotional on how we Focus our eyes on Jesus. We will look at five different times the Bible talks about seeing Jesus and the situation. Join us as we step into revealing, powerful and personal encounters with the Savior.
