
Now You See Me

I've always felt that Thomas got a bad rap after reading about him in the book of John. How many of us would believe Jesus was walking around after we saw him killed on a cross and buried? Remember, we have the benefit of the Bible to refer to; back then, it was word of mouth, and I'd wager most of us would like to be able to see that it was indeed Jesus.

I believe there are accounts in the Bible simply for our benefit to identify with, and Thomas wanting to see to believe is one for us all. 

I'm sure you've heard someone (maybe even yourself) say, "I'll believe it when I see it." Thomas took it a few steps further with verse 25b, "Unless I see in His hands the mark of the nails, and place my finger into the mark of the nails, and place my hand into His side, I will never believe." Those are some strong words that Thomas probably wanted to take back just three verses later.

Well, let's give Thomas some props here since he's always attached to his nickname (Doubting Thomas) by providing his response to seeing Jesus. Once Jesus came and stood among them and asked Thomas to touch His wounds and do not disbelieve, but believe, Thomas answered Him, "My Lord and my God!" I wanted to share that because there are people that even after they have seen God move, they still don't believe.

Do you have to see to believe?

There is a blessing at the end of these verses for us today. In verse 29, "Jesus said to him, "Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."

That blessing is for us. For those of us on this side of the cross, we can trust that Jesus is who He says He is, and we can say, "My Lord and my God!" as well.

Uncommen Questions:

Do you have to see to believe?

Do you struggle with doubt in your life? 

Uncommen Challenge:

I challenge you to learn from Thomas and believe that Jesus is who He says He is in your life and live it as you do.


Scripture Reference:
John 20:24-29


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In a year labeled in 2020, we thought it would be great to develop a devotional on how we Focus our eyes on Jesus. We will look at five different times the Bible talks about seeing Jesus and the situation. Join us as we step into revealing, powerful and personal encounters with the Savior.
