Hollywood Prayer Network On Wisdom预览

Hollywood Prayer Network On Wisdom



"In life, all good things come hard, but wisdom is the hardest to come by." Lucille Ball

PRAY:  Dear heavenly Father, I want to be wise in praying for the people in Hollywood, who are known for being selfish, ambitious, and even for practicing every kind of evil. Whether that's true or not, Lord, I pray today that You will pour Your wisdom down from heaven upon all of the TV and film actors, directors, writers, producers, editors, executives, cinematographers, video game creators, musicians, and agents. I ask that they will desire to be peace-loving, considerate, submissive to You, full of mercy, and good fruit, and to be impartial and sincere. Lord, that's not impossible, for You tell us to do that. So, I pray that prayer of blessing on all the people in Hollywood, in Jesus' mighty name. Amen.
REFLECT:  It's easier to apply scripture to ourselves than to reach out to others and apply the same truths. Have you ever thought that James was also talking to the people in Hollywood, California, in 2019? He sees, in cities all across the globe, including Hollywood, people full of envy and selfish ambition. He sees disorder and every evil practice, but He tells us that wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure, then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial, and sincere. WOW, that is true in your life and in Hollywood. Can you be impartial and sincere and pray for the people, the projects, and the issues in the world's most influential mission field - Hollywood? If Jesus were physically here today, He would surely visit Hollywood. But since He's not, can you pray?
ACT:  Choose one person, one issue, and one project in Hollywood and pray right now for God's wisdom to be over that person, issue, and project. It might be Angelina Jolie, the new upcoming Disney Plus streaming service, or the #MeToo movement. Pray that the Lord will touch the hearts of the people involved in all of those endeavors and take away envy, selfish ambition, disorder, and any evil there. Ask Him to fill them with His heavenly wisdom, not worldly wisdom, so they would be pure, peace-loving, considerate, submissive to Him, full of mercy and good fruit (including their movies, music, video games and TV shows), and that they will be impartial and sincere. By praying this prayer today, you could change the world!
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Hollywood Prayer Network On Wisdom

One of the very specific commands God gives us is to ask Him for wisdom. This week we’re going to focus on gaining God’s wisdom versus worldly wisdom. And along with gaining wisdom, we will discover a list of other benefits that we receive. God says it’s a hidden mystery until we ask for it and then it becomes life-changing.
