Hollywood Prayer Network On Wisdom预览

Hollywood Prayer Network On Wisdom



"Not until we have become humble and teachable, standing in awe of God's holiness and sovereignty. acknowledging our own littleness, distrusting our own thoughts, and willing to have our minds turned upside down, can divine wisdom become ours."  J.I. Packer 

PRAY:  Dear Lord, how I love Your law! Help me to meditate on it all day long. Help me to take the time to seek You out, and to seek Your truths, and please make me wise. I want to learn your commandments so well that they are always with me. I want to be wiser than my enemies, have more insight than all my teachers, and more understanding than the elders. I know that I need to obey Your precepts and to meditate on Your statutes. Lord, I want to be more powerful than ten rulers in my city, not by might, but by wisdom. Thank You Lord, Amen.
REFLECT:  Reflect on the difference between being a mighty warrior by physical training, or a powerful leader through information and manipulation, versus being a mighty warrior by meditating on God's law all day long. The world tells us to work out, train, and become either physically or intellectually more powerful than the people around us. God says to love His law and to meditate on it. He wants us to get excited about His commandments in order to become wiser than our enemies. We don't have to get more schooling to have more insight than our teachers and more understanding than our elders. We just have to meditate on God's statutes and obey His precepts. What makes us more powerful than ten rulers in a city? Gaining God's WISDOM!
ACT:  Upload your Bible and look up Wisdom in the search bar. Read every scripture God has about wisdom and study the strength, power, insight, and understanding we get from asking God for wisdom. Then be bold and ask God to give you so much wisdom that you will become more powerful than all the rulers in your city. Only God knows what He has in store for you to make an eternal difference in our world by the power you'll have through your prayers and meditations. Get ready and allow Him to do miracles in you and through you.
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Hollywood Prayer Network On Wisdom

One of the very specific commands God gives us is to ask Him for wisdom. This week we’re going to focus on gaining God’s wisdom versus worldly wisdom. And along with gaining wisdom, we will discover a list of other benefits that we receive. God says it’s a hidden mystery until we ask for it and then it becomes life-changing.
