The Mountain Equips You For The Valley预览

The Mountain Equips You For The Valley


 The Mountain Experience Equips Us To Defy Natural Limitations

In Matthew chapter fourteen, Jesus received the news that his cousin John the Baptist was beheaded – it certainly sounds like life in the valley (hardships, struggles, and even death). The news affected Jesus so much that he got on a boat to venture out to sea to mourn and find peace in the chaos. But the people around Jesus could not get enough of him, and as they heard where Jesus was, they all followed and crowded around waiting for Jesus to come. As he stepped off the boat, he healed and delivered the many who were there. Even in the heartbreak and downtimes, Jesus still selflessly served others. The time on the boat was his mountain time, and when Jesus heard terrible news he found his way to the mountain (alone time with God), and so he was strengthened to continue his mission. The people were endless, yet Jesus took the time to minister to their needs. 

After many hours of ministry, it got dark, and the people were hungry, Jesus was not only concerned with their spiritual and emotional healings, but he also knew their physical needs. It seems as if the mountain experience opens our eyes to the needs of others. Jesus commands his disciples to feed the five thousand plus people there; however, the disciples looked at the situation and Jesus as being unreasonable and expressed their concerns to Jesus. Jesus, undaunted by what he saw in the natural called for what they had available – five loaves and two fish – and he fed the multitudes. The confidence Jesus had in his Father to perform that miracle could only come from the time he spent alone. He defied the natural limitations because of his mountain experience. 

The miraculous was over, and Jesus sent the crowds home and the disciples back on the boat to the other side of the sea.  After such a powerful demonstration of multiplication of food, one would think that Jesus would return with his disciples in the boat. Perhaps, had I done that miracle I would be ecstatic to get on that boat with my friends and boast about how it occurred or compare it to other people’s miracles – claiming to be the best in the town – Just my honest opinion; but not Jesus. The Bible tells us he went up to a mountain to pray! Who does that after an excellent performance or show? After the show, there is always an after-party – yet Jesus valued the Mountain Time because he knew without it, he could not function. He lived to do his Father's will and to show us also how to do it. He spent time on the mountain before and after the victory, and, before and after the miracle – and this time alone with God caused him to live in a perpetual state of the supernatural, and constantly defying the natural limitations!

Remember: The mountain equips you for the valley!

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The Mountain Equips You For The Valley

Life is filled with ups, downs, heartaches, chaos, etc. As a believer, we have been given something that will equip us to live life in this natural realm successfully, which is the Presence of God. However, finding that “mountain time” with the Lord is difficult as life seems to get busier. This plan will guide you on why it is vital to make your alone time with God priority.
