The Mountain Equips You For The Valley预览

The Mountain Equips You For The Valley


The Valley

After describing the mountain and what it represents for the believer I wish I could live there permanently, how about you? Well, life is lived in the valley for now, until the Lord returns to rule and reign in the new heavens and new earth. Until then, we have to learn how to operate in the place God has called us too. The valley is a low area of land between hills or mountains, typically with a river or stream flowing through it. The valley like the mountain also has its representations and is associated with:

· The place where God dwells with you

· Crowded

· Loud and busy

· Hot and dry 

· Death and disease

· Can’t see far ahead (lack of vision)

· Open to attacks

The valley sounds a whole lot like the world multiplied one thousand times over. And when we think about it, Jesus left his dwelling in the heavens (mountains) and came to earth (valley) to show us how to survive here. Yesterday I stated, “God dwells on the mountain” but, if you look closely you will see God not only dwells on the mountains He is also with us in the valley. The same God of the mountain is the same God in the valley. Jesus left his home on high and came to dwell with man. Then he went back to heaven (mountain) and sent the Holy Spirit to us on earth (valley). We are never without God in the valley, but we become more aware of his presence with us in the valley when we take time to have the mountain experience. 

Everyday life can bombard us with the endless responsibilities of putting food on the table, raising our children in the way of God, responding to emails, text messages, and keeping up with social media. Life can get loud, busy, clustered, and toxic and the presence and voice of God can get drowned out, hence the reason for the mountain experience. If we stop and pay attention, we will notice because of the pace of life many people are suffering from sicknesses and diseases; they never seem to have enough money, time, or patience. Life has become one big race against time, and instead of gaining, we seem to have lost morals, values, and even making memories. While the valley can be brutal, God didn’t leave us helpless here. He has offered us help through the Holy Spirit, and he guides and teaches us how to value the mountain and bring what we receive on the mountain into our valley lives. If we follow Jesus and the example he sets for us, we would learn to master living in the valley.  Perhaps you have been struggling in the valley, but I pray that through this plan you would learn to visit the mountain and become equipped to change and deal with your situations and circumstances better.

Remember: The mountain equips you for the valley!

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The Mountain Equips You For The Valley

Life is filled with ups, downs, heartaches, chaos, etc. As a believer, we have been given something that will equip us to live life in this natural realm successfully, which is the Presence of God. However, finding that “mountain time” with the Lord is difficult as life seems to get busier. This plan will guide you on why it is vital to make your alone time with God priority.
