
Beginning A Relationship With Jesus


"Now What?"

Being a Christian is about “being in” Jesus. Put most plainly, you begin a life of “abiding” in Him and “remaining” in Him. What does that mean? It means you seek to grow into your relationship with Him by bringing your heart, soul, mind, and strength fully into the relationship (Mark 12:30; Luke 10:27).

Here are five ways we stay “in relationship” with Jesus Christ:

In relationship with other Christians

The church is people who have entered into a relationship with Jesus and therefore have been forgiven by Jesus and want to live for Jesus. Growing in a relationship with Jesus is helped by being in a church. It’s here in the church, with other believers, where we learn, grow, ask questions, serve, and seek and worship God together.

In God’s guidance by reading and learning the Bible

As you grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ, you will begin to learn more about the Bible. The Bible is God’s Word, and it’s one of the most important ways that He has revealed Himself and His desire and design for life to us. The more you know the Bible, the more you will get to know God Himself.

In conversation with God through prayer

The purpose of prayer is the same as the purpose of other intentional conversations: to grow closer together in a meaningful relationship. This means prayer covers a wide number of topics. Prayer involves sharing ideas, listening, asking questions, asking for help, expressing so you can be understood, confessing and saying you are sorry, saying thank you, or just being together.

In taking action through serving

Taking action by serving, by caring, by stepping outward toward people is expressing the heart of God’s love to people, and it is also a significant way that you will grow in your own relationship with Jesus. Why? Because this is what Jesus did. Jesus said, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve” (Mark 10:45).

In expressing love for God through worship

Worship is our intentional expression of appreciation and gratitude and wonder to God. Worship can be done alone or in a stadium with thousands of others. It can take place in a church building or in a mountain meadow. Worship is your authentic and honest expression toward God.

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Beginning A Relationship With Jesus

你对耶稣基督的信仰是否刚刚起步呢?你是否想进一步认识基督教,但不知道该问些什么、或该怎么问呢?那么就先从这里开始吧。此读经计划摘自大卫·德怀特(David Dwight)和妮可·尤尼斯(Nicole Unice)所合著的《从这里开始》("Start Here")。


此读经计划由大卫·德怀特(David Dwight)、妮可·尤尼斯(Nicole Unice)和大卫·C·库克(David C Cook)提供,特此鸣谢。欲知详情,请访问:http://www.dccpromo.com/start_here/