
Beginning A Relationship With Jesus



People who are gifted in the art of relationships are often people who ask some of the best questions. Here’s where God is a pro.

Take a look at some of God’s most profound questions:

Where are you? (Genesis 3:8-9)

Right at the beginning of the Bible, God demonstrated this aspect of His character through His relationship with Adam and Eve—a trusting, transparent, daily relationship.

In Genesis 3, we read about Adam and Eve choosing to turn from God and live life apart from Him. When the relationship was broken, God came looking for Adam and Eve. He didn’t come to punish or shame them but to restore the relationship.

When you can sense God stirring in your life, you, too, are a person He’s seeking out, so that you might be able to know Him and live in a relationship with Him.

What do you want? (John 1:35-39)

In John 1, we see Jesus asking some curious men a question like God’s question. He asked them, “What do you want?” (John 1:38).

The men avoided the question and changed the subject, asking Jesus, “Where are you staying?” Rather than give them an actual address, He answered them, “Come ... and see” (John 1:39). Rather than giving an answer, He gives an invitation.

Often, many us of are usually saying to God, “I want something from You,” while God is saying to us, “I want to be with you.”

Who do you say I am? (Matthew 16:13-15)

This is where Christianity begins. Your answer to that question is your start here, because it’s where you get clear about what you think of Jesus. Fortunately, what Jesus says about Himself is recorded in the Bible, including John 10:36, John 11:25, John 10:11, and John 8:58.

These are just some of Jesus’s statements—how He would answer the question about His identity. But Jesus doesn’t stop; He makes it even more personal.

Do you believe this? (John 11:25-26)

Jesus always makes things personal. He said to His disciples, “But what about you—who do you say I am?” and He said to Martha in John 11:25-26, “Do you believe this?”

Jesus asks these same questions to us, too, and answering these questions is a part of being in a relationship with God, of finding God and finding the truth. And finding the truth starts with Jesus Christ.

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Beginning A Relationship With Jesus

你对耶稣基督的信仰是否刚刚起步呢?你是否想进一步认识基督教,但不知道该问些什么、或该怎么问呢?那么就先从这里开始吧。此读经计划摘自大卫·德怀特(David Dwight)和妮可·尤尼斯(Nicole Unice)所合著的《从这里开始》("Start Here")。


此读经计划由大卫·德怀特(David Dwight)、妮可·尤尼斯(Nicole Unice)和大卫·C·库克(David C Cook)提供,特此鸣谢。欲知详情,请访问:http://www.dccpromo.com/start_here/