The Pound For Pound Principle预览

The Pound For Pound Principle


Equipping a Contender 

How are you serving the Lord with what He’s given you? 

We’ve all been called to play a role in the body of Christ. Each person is born with an inherent desire in them to make a significant contribution. Once someone becomes a Christian, it becomes an inherent desire to make a significant contribution in the Kingdom of God. Where has God positioned you in church, your workplace, your community? Are you serving God in obvious places, or are you willing to discover areas outside of the church where you can make a significant contribution? We were meant to flow like rivers, not store like reservoirs! Without flow, we become like Israel’s Dead Sea - full of deposits but lacking an environment for growth or life. 

If you are growing in your relationship with Jesus and walking in the power of the Holy Spirit, you will arrive at the point where you search to sow into others’ lives and make a significant contribution in the Kingdom of God. Each of us has been called to plant seeds. How can we plant seeds? Maybe it’s time to start using your gift of teaching by serving in the kids' ministry. Maybe there are people God is putting on your heart to start inviting to church in your workplace. Maybe God is calling you to start an entrepreneurship group dedicated to honoring God with your businesses. Our responsibility is to sow in faith. You cannot steward your gifts and talents well if you do not cultivate your own personal growth and sow into the growth of others. Let’s contend to make a difference in people’s lives by stewarding well the gifts and talents the Lord has given us. 

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The Pound For Pound Principle

You've been called to the extraordinary, but how do you make the most of the gifts and talents God has given you? In this devotional, adapted from Pastor Mike Kai’s book “The Pound For Pound Principle,” you'll discover how to live up to your God-given potential by doing the best with what God has given you.
