The Pound For Pound Principle预览

The Pound For Pound Principle


 Bring It

Are you bringing your gifts and talents into God’s House for others to enjoy or are you showing up empty-handed at the table? 

We are being equipped by the Holy Spirit to be sent for the purpose of fulfilling our destinies. Like the analogy of a potluck, when everyone brings something into the House that represents who they are, prepared with love and care, then there will be more than enough to eat. What’s important is that you leave with more food and a greater variety of flavors than when you arrived.

This is a perfect illustration of Paul’s instructions to believers in 1 Corinthians 14:26 when he encouraged brothers and sisters to meet together so that everything that is done “is for the strengthening of the church.” Not everyone is called to be a missionary or a church-planter, but everyone has a dream and a God-given calling to do something of great significance. What if we were willing to bring our gifts and talents to the table and watch others enjoy what we’ve prepared ourselves. It is time for us to rise up and help set the table for such a feast to flourish. 

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The Pound For Pound Principle

You've been called to the extraordinary, but how do you make the most of the gifts and talents God has given you? In this devotional, adapted from Pastor Mike Kai’s book “The Pound For Pound Principle,” you'll discover how to live up to your God-given potential by doing the best with what God has given you.
