Combating Anxiety With God's Word预览

Combating Anxiety With God's Word


Worry has a weird way of consuming every aspect of our lives. Lately, I have found myself worrying over my pregnancy, my finances, and losing my loved ones. At the beginning of my pregnancy, miscarriage consumed my mind day in and day out; now, I worry my baby could have some sort of disease or disorder that could limit their time on Earth. There will always be something to worry about, whether it’s questioning how you will pay your bills on time or losing sleep over your deployed husband—but one thing is true about being anxious: it will simply not do us any good.

When we start to take the responsibilities for a certain set of results off of God’s back and place it onto ours, we are worrying, and ultimately, we are not trusting in God’s sovereignty. In Matthew 6:27, our worry is put into perspective. It promises us that nothing good will come out of being anxious; instead, it will leave us in a pit of despair with no guarantee of hope. As we continue to preach ourselves God’s truths in Scripture, our focus begins to shift from ourselves and our circumstances to God and His promises.

Sisters, God cares about His children. He wants us to place our worries, our fears, and our anxieties at His feet. And even if these fears do come true, we can still know that our God is sovereign, and His plan is far better than our own. Our joy in God will be all that we need to get us through trials in life, not because we are confident that we will conquer the problem, but because God’s promises in the Bible are so great. It is time we start praying for God to give us the power to believe these assurances—He knows our requests, and He will give us eternal peace.  

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