Combating Anxiety With God's Word预览

Combating Anxiety With God's Word


God is an everlasting God. He has made the world. He upholds it. He sustains it. God is unchangeable. He is sovereign over all things. His greatness is immeasurable. He is self-existent. God is powerful and His strength is mighty! He is holy. He is good. He is love. He is merciful, and He is righteous.  I must remind myself about who my Father is when there are times in my life I am so very weary. I must take my eyes off of myself and look to the One that sustains not only this world, but my very weary soul. Are you faint, sisters? Do you ever feel weary? Do you have days, or even seasons in your life where you feel so worn out you are not sure you can go on? We see the here and now. We tend to draw our conclusions from the weariness we see right in front of us. I am guilty of failing to recognize eternal purposes. Our sanctification will last a lifetime. We will feel faint at times. We will be weary – probably many times! Our minds, our bodies, and our souls will go through these weary seasons. God will not fail us, though. He is never at a loss of how to provide for His own. There is no limit to His understanding. Our being faint and weary does not surprise Him or catch Him off guard.  

He gives us power, sisters. His providence gives us strength. His grace is sufficient for us; His power is made perfect in our weakness.  For Christ’s sake, we delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when we are weak, then we are strong. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10.  Sometimes the world sees weariness and feeling faint as a sign of weakness, but praise God, sisters, we don’t have to feel negatively about being weary; we get to draw close to our Heavenly Father!  

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