Fast Like Daniel预览

Fast Like Daniel


Define Your Victory  

What does “victory” look like for you? Have you ever stopped to think about what success would look like specifically in your current situation? Today you’re going to read that for Daniel, success was staying alive—or was it more than that? 

The king had a dream, and no one could tell him what it meant. He decided that if his “wise men” couldn’t tell him what he’d dreamed and what it mean, they’re going to die.

So what does Daniel do? Does he panic? Does he lead an escape attempt, or a violent rebellion? No, Daniel keeps his head, tactfully finds out what’s going on—and then prays and trusts God. Pretty classic Daniel. He has the guts to go to the king, ask for more time, and then pray specifically that God would be merciful and explain the mystery of the king’s dream.

What do you think God does? I’ll give you a spoiler—He delivers “victory” for Daniel, but more than just for him. GOD gets the glory.

BOOM! Yes! Now that is real success. God promotes Daniel through this situation, and he does more than survive. He thrives—a captive in a foreign land—and it all gives the glory to God.

So what “victory” are you praying for? Are you praying that God make life easier? To give you “success” in the world’s eyes? Or are you praying that you can be God’s ambassador to the people around you in your everyday life—so that HE gets the glory?

When you pray specific prayers for victory and success by how God defines those things, you position yourself for powerful answers to your prayers. 

Hobby Lobby CEO David Green, who is a great man of faith, said it this way: “God has a call for each one of our lives. The Bible has already told you your calling... Your job is to be faithful at whatever God puts in front of you."

Daniel chose God’s standards, and it positioned him to interpret the king’s dream when no one else could. God knew he was humble and would do whatever He asked, so God was able to move mightily through Daniel’s humble conviction, and it started a series of opportunities for Daniel’s success to give God glory.

How would He like to move in your life? What victory would He like to give you today?  

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Fast Like Daniel

I don't like fasting! Let's be honest; there's nothing fun about denying yourself the foods you love and the comfortable lifestyle you enjoy. I may not like fasting, but I love the results. The Daniel Fast has CHANGED MY LIFE! If you commit to the fast and follow this plan, it's going to change yours too. Let's make room for God on this incredible journey as we Fast Like Daniel.
