Overwhelmed by My Blessings: Encouragement for Moms (Part 8)Àpẹrẹ

Overwhelmed by My Blessings: Encouragement for Moms (Part 8)

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You woke up again this morning feeling less than. You know you are in way over your head and people are coming at you from every direction. Where can I turn in my mom-card? you half-jokingly think. Life is really hard, and you’d just like to go back to bed and pull the covers over your head. Right? I remember.  

But, don’t do that! In fact, say this out loud with me right now:  I am God’s favorite. Come on. Out loud.  

See? You don’t believe it. That’s what makes you want to go back to bed. That’s what makes you not want to face the day. Because your feelings say, “God just doesn’t care about what I’m going through”. And now your heart is believing that lie.  

So, let’s try it again. Say it loud enough for your kids to think you have lost it. (The only thing you will lose is a pack of lies and maybe a little pride.)  I am God’s favorite!  

As you speak those words over yourself, you will begin to believe it, and when you believe it, you will walk in it! 

What can stop the power of His love from coming to you? Only you. We are usually our own worst enemy!  “I don’t deserve it.” “I'm not worthy.”  We practice these negative thoughts until we are walking in defeat. The truth is, we don’t deserve His love, and we’re not worthy of it!  And that’s the great thing. He loves us and chose us anyway! 

So, step into it today. You are His favorite.  And so am I.  Let’s throw off those lies, hold our heads high, and wear that gorgeous jeweled crown as His beloved, chosen, FAVORITE daughter. Even if it is a little crooked at times. 

Thank you, Jesus, for choosing me as Your favorite daughter. I’m so sorry that sometimes I don't act like I even belong to You. I ask that Your voice will be louder than the enemy’s as I learn to step into this idea that I am Your favorite. I want to see myself as You see me, Your chosen, Your princess. Give me the boldness of Your security when I falter, and help me hold firm to the truth that You are for me, always. Remind me through the day, as I look to You, that I am Your chosen daughter, Your favorite!

Consider reading today’s scriptures from The Message.

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Overwhelmed by My Blessings: Encouragement for Moms (Part 8)

Encouragement from a mom who launched her seven children and lived to tell about it. Part 8 of 12 devotions in this series from Robin Meadows. 
