The 10 Commandments of Christian DatingÀpẹrẹ

The 10 Commandments of Christian Dating

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Proverbs 17:17

“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.”

On the one hand, dating can be fun! You might find someone you enjoy spending time with, and that’s a good thing (as long as it doesn’t take over your life). On the other hand, dating can be a lengthy process filled with a bunch of “nos.” Because of this, the next two “commandments” of Christian dating are about friendships and patience.

Christian Dating Commandment #3: Thou Shalt Not Ditch Friends

Don’t disappear from your friend group as soon as you start dating someone new! Including your friends in your dating life is so important, especially if they share your values. Friends will cheer you on when things are going great and be a shoulder to cry on when you need them. Keep your dates close and your friends closer because a friend loves at all times, which can’t always be said for the people we date.

How to apply this “commandment:”

  • Make time to hang out with your friends, even when you're in a relationship, to maintain those important connections.
  • Introduce who you’re dating to your friends early on to get their opinions and blend your social circles.
  • Remember to be there for your friends too, celebrating their successes and supporting them through challenges, just like they do for you.

Christian Dating Commandment #4: Thou Shalt Be Patient

When Christian dating, patience is paramount. Rejecting the idea of instant gratification and instead striving to align your life with God's will may be difficult, but it is immensely rewarding. Trust in God's timing for your relationship; He knows what is best for you and when. Remember, meaningful connections develop over time, not overnight, so cherish the journey and the lessons learned along the way.

How to apply this “commandment:”

  • Cultivate a prayerful attitude toward dating, asking for patience and guidance as you seek God’s plan for your life.
  • Resist the urge to rush into a relationship; instead, take the time to truly get to know someone and understand their values and faith.
  • Celebrate the small moments and growth in a relationship, recognizing that each step forward is a part of God's timing.

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The 10 Commandments of Christian Dating

In Exodus 20, God gives Moses and the Israelites the 10 Commandments — His fundamental laws for living a righteous and holy life, guiding their relationship with Him and with one another. Similarly, there are guidelines for Christian dating that can make your experience better, more enjoyable, and more fruitful. In this 5-day devotional, we’re sharing the 10 Commandments of Christian Dating.
