Transforming Your Family's Vision into RealityÀpẹrẹ

Transforming Your Family's Vision into Reality

Ọjọ́ 2 nínú 4

Day 2: Application Through Faith

Applying your identity, purpose, and direction in life can be tough sometimes. Life is full of surprises and challenges that simply make it difficult to stay on track with God’s plan. External pressures, unexpected problems, and personal growth can create hurdles, too. It's important to know that the journey won't always be smooth, and setbacks may happen. However, facing these challenges builds resilience and character. Even though it might be tough, every step you take in line with your identity and purpose helps you grow and find fulfillment. Sure, difficulties are a normal part of the journey, but take heart—Jesus has already overcome the world—providing victory over whatever comes our way. Because of the Gospel of Jesus, you can truly know what it is to live in relationship with God, as you choose to have faith every day.

In the book of Ezra, we see how faith not only led the people to complete the temple, but faith also empowered them to experience genuine transformation through the process of rebuilding that temple.

It’s often that we tend to ask God over and over: “What do you want me to do? Which way should I go?” Of course, we need to seek God’s wisdom but what if we’re asking God the wrong questions? If God were to give us all the answers, there wouldn’t be a need to trust in Him. Genesis 3 makes the strong case that humanity struggles the most with doubt and fear —if we could only be our own god, then we could do everything we need to, no waiting or wondering or wandering.

Faith is taking a step without seeing every step ahead of us while believing God will be with us as we walk down the path, trusting that He’ll give us the insight and power we need to make the journey. This means offering up that to-do list you just have to get done or the job promotion you’ve been expecting after years of dedicated service at the same organization. Surrender is learning how to accept the unknown. Faith is believing God knows all and you don’t have to. Walking with God is the best ride at the theme park of life—it’s all about being open to His guidance and building a deep and intimate connection to Him.

Application is faith in action, and faith requires us to relinquish control and trust that God's plans are greater than our own. As we trust in God with both our hearts and minds, we’re enabled to act. We act from faith and out of faith which ultimately shuts down our attempt to do life from our own strength. Faith is not solely based on saying, “I believe,” but also on applying that belief in God by allowing Him to guide whatever action we take.

  1. Consider an area of your life where you struggle to relinquish control. How can you practically surrender this aspect to God, trusting in His plans? What tangible steps can you take to demonstrate this surrender in your actions?
  2. In what areas of your life can you actively apply your faith, trusting God's sovereignty and seeking His guidance? How might your actions reflect a genuine reliance on His strength rather than relying solely on your own capabilities?
  3. Evaluate your role in various communities, whether family, work, or social circles. How can you contribute to the collective growth and spiritual well-being of these communities? Are there specific actions or initiatives you can undertake to build a sense of unity and faith?
  4. Identify a current challenge or obstacle in your life. Reflect on how faith can be a source of strength and resilience in overcoming this challenge. What practical steps can you take to navigate the difficulties by relying on faith in God and the support of your community?
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Transforming Your Family's Vision into Reality

Discover how to practically apply your God-given family identity, purpose, and direction. This four-day plan explores the question, "How do we get there?" as you learn to align your family's actions with God's design. Through biblical wisdom and practical insights, you'll gain the tools to transform your family's vision into reality, cultivating a legacy of faith and intentional living that impacts generations.
