Momma Moments With GodÀpẹrẹ

Momma Moments With God

Ọjọ́ 5 nínú 5

Just Hanging On

Our son, Steven, was so excited … at first. My husband and I had decided to take him to the North Carolina mountains for his first ski experience. But the day turned into a whine fest. I tried to show him how to snowplow by angling the tips of his skis inward like a piece of pizza. Nothing doing. Then, I tried to show him how to turn sideways to slow down. Not happenin’. Time and time again, he fell with skis pointing in all directions.

After several hours, I dubbed the day a disaster. I looked up at the mountains and saw brightly snow-suited people having so much fun swishing down the slopes. “Why can’t we do that?” I moaned. Then I had an idea.

“Come on, Steven, we’re going to the top!” He was hesitant but compliant.

We rode the chairlift to the top and slid off our seat.

“Okay, partner,” I began, “here’s what we’re going to do. You stand in front of me, between my legs. Now, wrap your arms around my thighs. I’m going to ski down this mountain, and all you have to do is hang on. Do you think you can do that?”

He nodded cautiously.

We got in position, and off we went. We moved as one. If I moved right, he moved right. If I moved left, he moved left. His only responsibility was to relinquish control and hang on.

After a few moments, Steven shouted, “I’m skiing! I’m skiing!”

Of course, I was the one skiing; Steven was just holding on.

Motherhood can be like that journey down the mountain. We slip and slide, fall down, and get back up—sometimes with emotions pointing in all directions.

Then Jesus says, “Okay, partner, let’s try this: Quit trying to do it yourself. Just hang on to Me, and I’ll get you where you need to go.”

Paul proclaimed in one of his sermons, “In him [Jesus] we live and move and have our being” (Acts 17:28a). Hanging on. Following His lead. Relinquishing control. Moving left if He moves left. Moving right if He moves right. The next thing we know, we’re performing feats we’d never thought possible!

Father, I’m hanging on to You today! May my mind, will, and emotions be tethered to You in every way. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

This plan is presented to you by Momma Moments with God, an Esther Press resource.To learn more about this book, please click here.

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Momma Moments With God

As moms, we parent, and we pray, we listen, and we learn, we celebrate, and we commiserate, we cry, and we keep going. We have the privilege of shaping an eternal soul for a very short period of time. This devotional reminds you that you are not alone in that calling. God is right there with you, guiding you in the role of a lifetime.
