Salvation: A Veil of ProtectionÀpẹrẹ

Salvation: A Veil of Protection

Ọjọ́ 3 nínú 3

Because of Jesus, humans can experience forgiveness, mercy, and love without a veiled layer between God and us. The choice to follow Jesus provides the gift of the Holy Spirit living within our very beings. While I love the comfort and peace of this personal connection, I also appreciate that God still has a layer of protection. It’s just that we are now on the inside of the curtain with Him.

A Christian is not exempt from pain, suffering, hard decisions, sin, or heartbreak. We still live in a broken world. The difference is that Jesus promises a way through the negative life events as they happen. From the spiritual warfare happening all around that we can’t see to the physical and emotional trials that press us daily, Jesus offers a veil of protection full of His light. The change from the Old Testament to the New Testament veils comforts me immensely because, before Jesus, humans had to be on the opposite side of the veil from God. If we were too close, we would be overwhelmed. Not anymore.

Look at the promise in John 8:12, The New Living Translation.

12 Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, “I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness because you will have the light that leads to life.”

Accepting Jesus means we won’t have to remain separated by a veil because we will also have His light. We can stay behind the curtain and experience His light with Him. Together. On the same side. Not overwhelmed by His glory but saved by His grace. Amazing, isn’t it?

Read a portion of John’s letter to believers from 1 John 3:1 from the New Living Translation.

1 See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are! But the people who belong to this world don’t recognize that we are God’s children because they don’t know him.

Do you notice that the eyes of God’s children are no longer veiled? Now, the veil is over the eyes of “the people who belong to this world” who do not see God’s light reflected in us “because they don’t know Him.” This idea brings us full circle, back to the first day’s reading. These folks who can’t see God as Himself or us as belonging to Him are the ones the apostle Paul describes as “perishing” because “Satan…has blinded” them (2 Corinthians 4:3–4). That’s terrifying.

Yet, that’s not us.

Everyone has a direct invitation to be filled with the Holy Spirit because of Jesus. You can accept Jesus as your savior and become sure of your place on the same side of the veil with His glory. Then, you will see and also reflect His light and love on the people around you.

Have you made that decision? Have you asked Jesus into your heart? You can renew your choice to stand with Jesus on the light-filled side or ask Him to tear the veil separating you for the first time. When you are ready, you can pray this prayer with me.

Holy God, I know I have stood outside of the veil, not knowing you. I have sinned in the darkness of that place, and I am sorry. I believe Jesus is your Son and that He lived on earth, sharing His light. I believe that when Jesus was crucified, your power tore the veil between you and me, allowing the Holy Spirit to live within me. I am so grateful for your protection, as I am now inside the veil with you. Cover me with your love, and help me to fully listen to the Holy Spirit’s leading as I face each day’s challenges. I love you, Lord. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

Congratulations on saying yes to Jesus and accepting Him and the veil of salvation, forgiveness, and protection. He will give you a place to stay in joy and peace. He loves you that much!

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Ọjọ́ 2

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Salvation: A Veil of Protection

Join me in a three-day study of the veils in the Old and New Testaments and see how they pertain to your life in Jesus. You can explore how God provides Jesus as a way for us to find protection, light, and life, culminating in a prayer of salvation.
