Jesus Our Savior: A DaySpring Journey Through Holy WeekÀpẹrẹ

Jesus Our Savior: A DaySpring Journey Through Holy Week

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Jesus the Teacher

Over the next week, we’ll look into a few names Jesus has answered to and gone by. One that He was often called during His Life is, “Teacher.” From the religious leaders who feared and hated Him to the disciples who followed and loved Him, most people who encountered Jesus on Earth recognized His role as a teacher.

During the Last Supper, Jesus even said, “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am” (John 13:13, NIV).

Jesus spent His Ministry traveling and teaching Scripture. He also taught me how to apply that Scripture in real life. One of the reasons the religious leaders of that time got so agitated by Jesus’s Teachings is because He brought a fresh perspective to Scripture (and did it with Authority as the Son of God).

If you’ve ever had a teacher who taught a subject in a completely different way than you’d been taught before, you know how significant that can be. The moment your eyes are open and the dots finally connect—and you just “get” how to ride a bike or solve the math problem or play the chord—it is pivotal!

And that’s what Jesus did (and still does).

Rather than focus on blindly following rules to earn Earthly rewards, Jesus teaches Love, Mercy, Kindness, and Compassion. He gets to the point—loving God and loving others—instead of getting bogged down by man-made distractions and details.

Let’s focus on these lessons over the next few days.

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Jesus Our Savior: A DaySpring Journey Through Holy Week

Embark on a transformative journey through Holy Week with DaySpring. Experience the profound significance of Jesus' Sacrifice and Resurrection in daily readings, reflections, and Scripture. Explore meaning in the different names that we find for Jesus in Scripture, discovering the true meaning of Salvation and celebrating the Triumph of our Savior.
