Renewing Your Purpose | Ordinary AngelsÀpẹrẹ

Renewing Your Purpose | Ordinary Angels

Ọjọ́ 3 nínú 5


Get ready for the unexpected

In the Christmas story, Mary was having a normal day when, out of nowhere, the angel Gabriel appeared in all his glory. Whatever she was doing at that moment, her life was about to change forever. What would Mary do now that her life had a major interruption?

In the Old Testament, Gideon’s clan was the weakest in Israel, and Gideon was considered to be the least important in his family. One day, he was doing a basic task of threshing wheat when God met him. Moses was tending his father-in-law’s flock, and God used a burning bush to interrupt him. How would these men react to these unexpected encounters? God goes on to use them both in mighty ways.

God uses unexpected people in unexpected situations to showcase Himself. Look what happens when God uses Sharon to help Ed's financial need.

God works through ordinary people. In fact, God not only chooses, but He delights to work in and through people. You might think, “I’m just a regular person, what can I do?” It’s not about being the smartest or the strongest. What matters is your heart. God loves working through ordinary people because it shows His extraordinary power.

Be on the lookout for unexpected opportunities to let God work through you. It could be a chance encounter with someone who needs encouragement. Or a name may come to mind, prompting you to reach out to that person. If you suddenly feel the urge to pray for someone, take a moment to pause what you're doing and pray.

Many times, we may not notice these opportunities. We are often too busy, or the person is too difficult. Perhaps, we are too lazy. But you can be open and ready for unexpected opportunities. Ask the Holy Spirit to open your heart and sensitize your spirit to recognize those moments. Then step into them when they arise. You could become an angel to someone.

Application questions

  • What keeps you from seeing unexpected interruptions as God-ordained opportunities?
  • Do you believe the Lord can use you? He can! Use a journal to record any unexpected opportunities that might be from God and write down how you dealt with them.
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Renewing Your Purpose | Ordinary Angels

Embark on a five-day transformative journey, drawing inspiration from the movie 'Ordinary Angels.' Explore the remarkable impact when individuals step up to help. Actual film clips show how you can make a difference and reignite your sense of purpose, from faith in action to conquering the impossible. Find your life's profound purpose: Love God, love others. Witness how small acts can change lives as you become an 'ordinary angel.'
