Revival of First LoveÀpẹrẹ

Revival of First Love

Ọjọ́ 2 nínú 3

Revelation 2: 4-5 (NASB)

"But I have this against you, that you have left your first love. Therefore, remember from where you have fallen, and repent, and do the deeds you did at first; or else I am coming to you and I will remove your lampstand from its place— unless you repent.”

One of the things that can haunt our lives or hinder us from moving forward is dwelling on our past. If not cleansed, our past can become a constant stumbling block as we recall the things we’ve done or the things done to us. In verse 5, Jesus presents an intriguing challenge to the Church: "Therefore, remember from where you have fallen..." He urges them to revisit their past and recall two crucial aspects. Firstly, remember the excitement and joy when Jesus first entered your lives. Can you reminisce about the day the Lord saved you? Recall the joy, love, and new perspective on life when Jesus cleansed you from all your sins for the first time. Jesus wanted the Church at Ephesus to revisit that transformative moment.

Secondly, He wanted them to recollect what led to their departure in the first place. "Remember where you have fallen." This is a significant statement, as He’s urging them to confront the issues in their past that caused their spiritual separation. Can you do that today? Can you summon the courage to revisit your past and identify the factors that brought you to this moment? What caused the rift between you and your Redeemer? It's time to address your past once and for all! Revival can begin when we confront our sins. Now, let's address them. In your journal or notes, write down the lingering issues from your past and earnestly cry out to the Lord to remove them. How? Look at verse 5 again: "Therefore, remember from where you have fallen, and REPENT." The key to your freedom lies in the fruit of repentance. Are there areas in your life that require repentance? If so, do it now without hesitation. Your liberation from the past and the path to victory are just a prayer away! Confess to the Holy Spirit and repent of your sins so that freedom and triumph can finally manifest in your life today! Personal renewal, revival, and times of refreshing await at the door of your heart.

Prayer Time:

Repent from the things you wrote down in your journal and notes. Call out to your Redeemer once again. Also consider having someone pray with you and over you.

“Confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed.” James 5:16

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Revival of First Love

3-day devotional for the Roaring Twenties Fast. Over the past year, extraordinary outpourings of the Spirit happened in the United States and around the world. A revival of first love for Jesus seems to be the commonality among what the Spirit is emphasizing right now in His Church. Loving Jesus is the only answer for the hour we find ourselves in.
