Seeing Jesus in Isaiah's ProphecyÀpẹrẹ

Seeing Jesus in Isaiah's Prophecy

Ọjọ́ 13 nínú 27

Mighty God

Kelli Baker

Advent Series 2023

Day Thirteen

Have you ever had a leader who led with authority, lording their power over their subordinates? Jesus did not use his power as Mighty God to rule in an authoritative manner. Instead he used his power to show compassion on the hurting.

During his ministry on earth, Jesus demonstrated his deity by healing people wherever he went. The first miracles of healing began shortly after he called his disciples to walk with him. Everywhere Jesus walked, crowds flocked to him to be healed.

On the way to heal the daughter of a prominent man in the community, Jesus healed a woman who had been bleeding for twelve years and could not find a doctor to help her. Her desperation caused her to seek Jesus out. In the midst of the crowd, she reached out and touched the hem of Jesus’ garment. Immediately, she was healed. When Jesus asked who was the one who touched him, she bravely made herself known. Then with great compassion, Jesus told her “because of your faith, you are healed.”

He could’ve said, “I’m on my way to heal someone else. I’ll get to her later.” But Jesus doesn’t do that. Jesus is unlike any other. He welcomes the interruptions to demonstrate his ability to do it all, as Mighty God.

So what is causing pain or suffering in your life today? Look to Jesus as Mighty God to be the balm for your soul.


Dear Lord, thank you for showing us through Jesus’ time on earth that we can trust him to heal us. Help us to look to Jesus, our Mighty God, in seasons of suffering. Amen.

Ìwé mímọ́

Ọjọ́ 12Ọjọ́ 14

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Seeing Jesus in Isaiah's Prophecy

An Advent journey of faith and strength for Christian military women as we look to Isaiah's prophecy of the coming Savior. We have access to the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. In preparation for the celebration of Jesus’ birth, we will examine how Jesus fulfilled each of the names Isaiah prophesied.
