Life Is Messy, God Is GoodÀpẹrẹ

Life Is Messy, God Is Good

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A Little Oil Goes a Long Way

Messy truth: Nothing we strive for in this life will last if God has not anointed it.

I’m no anointment expert, but I’ve read a lot about it in the Bible through the years.

In the Old Testament, it was a ceremonial process signifying God’s blessing or call on a person’s life. Anointing with oil was reserved for priests, kings, or prophets who were set apart for a special purpose or some next step God was asking them to take. I think of God telling Samuel to go anoint David and formalize his calling as king (1 Samuel 16:1-13).

Of course, there are also the New Testament examples of using oil to anoint the sick (James 5:13-16) or even a woman who was criticized for using expensive oil to anoint the feet of Jesus (Mark 14:1-9). But I always thought of anointing as an antiquated concept until I realized Jesus has anointed us even today (1 John 2:20, 27). Paul said, “He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come” (2 Corinthians 1:21-22).

God has anointed us to do important things that He planned for our lives long before we were ever born. Just as a priest, a king, or a prophet was anointed in the Old Testament to do big things, we too are anointed as parents, teachers, friends, accountants, and attorneys.

Our anointing is so much more than a little oil on the brow—it’s the unmatched power and supernatural ability to do the things God has orchestrated for our lives. When we do what God has anointed us to do, people and circumstances around us are changed. Our footprints are visible long after we’ve moved on because God is using us to change hearts, resolve conflicts, heal brokenness, and accomplish ministry.

But living in this way doesn’t just benefit those around us, it changes our lives too. It’s easier to extend forgiveness, offer second chances, and keep short accounts when we’re wronged because it’s no longer all about us but about God working through us.

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Nípa Ìpèsè yìí

Life Is Messy, God Is Good

Life is messy, unpredictable, painful, sloppy, emotional, slippery, and oftentimes unbearable, with hard places we could never have fathomed when we started this journey. But God is not surprised by our slipups and screwups. Each day we are given the opportunity to live with meaning and significance as we acknowledge our struggles and then surrender them to Jesus.
