The Wedding Gift (S1-E5)Àpẹrẹ

The Wedding Gift (S1-E5)

Ọjọ́ 4 nínú 4

Enjoying Jesus' provision

Jesus provides. In wine. In food for the road.

I want to take a moment to reflect with you on how Jesus provides in wine for a wedding.

The picture is not very hard to imagine. Man. Woman. In love, (depending on what culture you come from...) Making plans. Making a home ready. Wedding ceremony planned. And then the big day is there. I'm coloring the picture a bit, of course, but I hope you get it. The guests arrive. The bride and groom raise their glasses. The guests are enjoying themselves, the music is on. People are dancing. It's party time!

But then the wine runs out. It seems like John is giving us an insight into the situation in verse 3. Something like "The guests haven't realized it yet, but this is the last round of wine. After this it is over and done with". It looks like the wedding party will be ruined soon. Something has to happen.

Imagine for a moment what is at stake. The honor of the bride and groom, especially that of the groom and his family. Is he able to provide for his bride? What a turnoff it would be if everyone found out about this....

Fast-forward to verse 10 where we hear the master of ceremonies praising the groom for this new wine. In my own words, "Where did this wine come from? Why did you save it for last? It's fantastic!"

Jesus provides. In His time (verse 4).

Let me just mention two things:

  1. Jesus steps in where - in this case - the bride and groom are at the end of their rope. The wine runs out and Jesus provides in a way they could not have dreamed of. Notice that this is about the quality of the wine as well as the quantity of the wine?
  2. John, the writer of this gospel, always gives peeks behind the scenes. For example, in verse 11 he mentions that the disciples believed in Him - Jesus. Who was this sign really for? Was it just for the bride and groom, with Jesus saving their honor? Was it for the guests so they could enjoy the delicious wine? Or was it for the disciples so that they would believe? Or was it for all of them and for you and me?

One thing is clear. Jesus is the God Who provides. Jaweh Jireh. And when He provides you taste that, you feel that, you believe that!

Do you believe that?

Take the following questions to ponder:

  • What do you think of how Jesus provides in this story?
  • Where have you experienced Jesus' provision?
  • Where do you look forward to Jesus' provision?
  • Do you believe Jesus? Does that have anything to do with His provision?


"Lord, I acknowledge that You are the God who provides. I confess that I often still try to 'provide' so much myself and do not really trust Your provision. Help me to look at You and trust You. Thank you, Lord, for this wonderful example. Help me to enjoy who You are and what You do. Amen."

P.S. This is the last day of this reading plan. We hope it has helped you as a follower of Jesus and that you have enjoyed it, but, of course, there is much more to discover.

The materials in this reading plan come from Alongsiders, a European discipleship movement, and

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Ọjọ́ 3

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The Wedding Gift (S1-E5)

This reading plan takes you through some of the themes that came along in the part of The Chosen >> The Wedding Gift. Reflect, dive into the Bible, and enjoy what Jesus has to say to you.
