The Book of MalachiÀpẹrẹ

The Book of Malachi

Ọjọ́ 3 nínú 6


In the next conversation between God and His people (Malachi 2:10-16), Malachi gets our attention with the sobering truth that brokenness in our relationship with God results in brokenness in our relationships with other people.

Malachi challenges the people’s covenant-breaking unfaithfulness to God, pointing out that it’s led to their unfaithfulness to one another (Malachi 2:10). God had commanded the people not to marry idol worshipers – but they’d gone ahead and done it anyway. God has never been against interracial marriage, but He longs for marriages where you love each other by loving Him first. He wants marriages where together you can serve, grow, and follow God’s ways. These are tough truths to hear in our you-do-you culture, but if you’re not married then choosing a Christian spouse should be a dealbreaker for you (2 Corinthians 6:14). If you’re married, pray for wisdom to do all you can to make single people in your community feel seen, surrounded, and supported in this area. And if you’re already married to an unbeliever? Love them well, as Paul instructs in 1 Corinthians 7. God is with you.

Next, God challenges His people about divorce (Malachi 2:14-16). People say things like, ‘I’ve just fallen out of love.’ Humans are fickle like that. We think the grass is greener everywhere else, applying that principle to jobs, homes, churches, even marriages. We switch things up if they get hard or boring. But actually, our happiness isn’t the most important thing in the universe. God’s glory is. That means, your marriage isn’t about you. Your happiness isn’t the priority. You don’t get married for as long as it’s interesting and easy. Marriage is a covenant, so be on your guard, and be faithful. In seasons when your marriage feels difficult, instead of reaching for porn or another person, reach out to God. There is always hope. Thankfully, God’s grace to us through Jesus Christ is both pardon and power: He forgives our unfaithfulness, and He empowers us to be faithful. He also offers grace to those in abusive marriages where divorce is the only option.

Your marriage might be hard, but it isn’t lost. God delights in miracles, and He is faithful. When you choose fidelity over your own happiness, He will honour you. His mercies are new each morning, and each morning you can choose love and exclusivity. Take time to praise God for sending Jesus, who gave His life to cover our failures and faithlessness. Praise God, too, for sending His Holy Spirit to transform you, and to breathe life and love into your relationship.

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The Book of Malachi

In this plan, join Dave Cornes for an in-depth look at the book of Malachi. If you’re tired of going through the motions, discover what it means to live fully devoted to the God whose love for you is based on His promise, not your performance. Recover faithfulness in your relationships. Learn to practice justice and generosity. Amidst life’s struggles, embrace the extraordinary righteousness that is yours through Jesus.
