

Ọjọ́ 1 nínú 3

In a world filled with chaos and despair, good news is an encouragement to the soul. Maybe you or a family member received long-awaited positive news from a doctor. Perhaps you’ve been accepted into the college or trade-program of your choice. Even the simple joys of your favorite sports team winning is rejuvenating good news. News, in its essence, is noteworthy information or the stating of important events.

In the First Century world in which the New Testament was written, there was a word for when good news was being announced: euangelion. This word, where we ultimately receive the word gospel, was employed when declaring or announcing news that was good. For example, if the emperor had returned from conquering a neighboring enemy, his servants or heralds would share the gospel of his victory. To share the gospel, was to share the facts of an important event which brings about new meaning and demands a response from its hearers.

The New Testament authors adopted this language when talking about news that not only brought about a new reality for their hearers/readers, but for all of humanity going forward: The gospel of Jesus.

What is the gospel of Jesus then?

The gospel of Jesus is that — through His sinless life, death, resurrection, and ascension — death and evil have been defeated, enabling those who put their faith in Him to be forgiven and accepted into the family of God.

You and I were created for a loving relationship with God and one another. However, through the sin of Adam, we’ve been plagued with a disease called sin. It is this disease that holds us bondage to enjoying the created more than the Creator — to assuming we would make better captains of our own destiny. The gospel is the story of God’s gracious response to human evil and rebellion.

It is good news that Jesus is the risen Lord. It is good news that our sins are forgiven, and we are reconnected to God and His family. It is good news that when we believe we receive a new identity, belonging, and purpose.

  1. Reflection Questions
  2. Head – What have you been told about the gospel from your church, family of origin, etc? How does today’s reading and passages expand your scope of the gospel?
  3. Heart — Have you responded to the gospel through faith in Jesus? How does the gospel enable us to be considered sons and daughters in the family of God?
  4. Hands — Rehearse the essentials of the gospel and take time to read the following passages. If you have not put your faith in Jesus, take some time to journal what your hang-ups might be.
Ọjọ́ 2

Nípa Ìpèsè yìí


The good news, or gospel, is absolutely central to faith in Jesus. For some of us, the details around the gospel can seem foggy; to some it's a way to avoid hell, or maybe to others it's a piece of advice for your life. In this study, we will dive into what it means to be equipped with the good news of Jesus.
