Thank God for Cats!: 7 Feline Devotions on LoveÀpẹrẹ

Thank God for Cats!: 7 Feline Devotions on Love

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Balance after the Fall

When it comes to curiosity, we’re a lot like our cats. Being curious may not exactly kill us, but snooping around stuff we’ve been warned to avoid can bring big trouble. Like a cat who stares at you while sitting on the stovetop, we love to see how close to the fire we can get without getting burned.

How many dark rooms must we investigate before we learn that the door always shuts behind us? They say a cat cannot resist diving into a paper sack, but are we humans any better at resisting temptation?

Most kitties would agree that people can’t ignore the siren song of any bag—especially if it’s full of salty snacks for mindless munching. And cats don’t even have thumbs to work the TV remote.

In fact, cats could teach their humans a thing or two about curiosity—the kind that kills, anyway. When kitties lose their bearings, they twist their spines until their bodies are right side up. They use their tails like parachutes, and most importantly, they relax. Relaxed muscles suffer less damage than rigid or tight ones when they land. Remember that next time you trip over your cat.

We don’t have a cat’s flexible spine or tail to help us, but we can learn to relax while life throws us into a tailspin. Instead of nine lives, God gives us the comfort and help we need to fight our way out of jams. The Bible gives us wisdom to be as assertive as torties and as gentle as Ragdoll cats. If we heed God’s guidebook and don’t hiss and spit over every little thing, we’ll be better prepared when we trip over Fluffy and fall flat as a cat who refuses to walk on a leash.

Paws-itive Faith Step: The next time you do or say something you regret later, take a hot shower or a soaking bath. Pray for forgiveness as the water cleanses you.

Lord, when I get into a jam, let me run to you, not away from you. Wrap me in your loving arms and help me turn away from temptations, washing me white as snow.

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Thank God for Cats!: 7 Feline Devotions on Love

Celebrate the blessing of cats! Cat lovers know cats are always ready to console them and make them laugh. Even when your fuzzy friend falls asleep in your lap, your cat’s quirky antics can reveal God at work. In these seven devotions, Linda S. Clare shares spiritual truths that cats can teach you about a godly life, and practical tips for loving the kitties (and humans) in your life.
