The Barnabas Way of Shaping Lives for Jesus: A 5-Day DevotionalÀpẹrẹ

The Barnabas Way of Shaping Lives for Jesus: A 5-Day Devotional

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DAY 1: The Call to Be an Influencer

Car rides to school were prime time for my dad to shape his children for Christ just before we stepped into the big, bad world. And as we climbed out of the car and wandered into school to start our day, his parting words were ringing in our ears: “Kids, remember who you are and Whom you serve.” Those daily words molded my life. They still do. Ongoing exposure to an authentic person of God living devoted to Him shapes and sculpts those who draw near. Authentic Christians like Dad just live their ordinary lives for Christ and can change the world around them one person at a time by God’s design!

You, too, have been shaped by people and events around you. You may not like to hear this, but the truth is you are malleable. Perhaps the most powerful earthly influence on a human being by God’s design is another human being! Just being exposed to my dad’s authentic passion for Jesus daily grew a natural desire in me to authentically want to know and follow Jesus.

The call on every believer is to naturally influence those around us for Christ (see Matthew 28:19–20). God gave us an example of someone who lived an authentic life of influence. His name is Barnabas. In the book of Acts, Barnabas is never central in any scene. He was just an ordinary Christian who was sensitive to the voice of God and available to do what God needed to do. He is a perfect example of how God uses ordinary believers to accomplish His extraordinary purposes on earth.

Godly influence must be every Christian’s stamp on the world—that’s according to Jesus Christ! How does a follower of Jesus live according to God’s way? How can you live in any culture with such an attractive display of God’s way of life that it causes praise to God? Jesus’ answer: be My influencer. When kingdom living occurs by authentic followers of Jesus, the beauty of life under the rule of God is put on display.

Christians are to be salt and light in the world (see Matthew 5:13–16). A Christian who becomes tasteless and does not saturate society with Christ’s flavor is not functioning according to his or her true identity and calling. A genuine Christian is a visible Christian. She or he is to be positioned to help society see life in submission to God, which helps others witness the best and most attractive way of life.

How do we do this? Essentially, we copy the right role model. In due time, they rub off on you. The life and actions of Barnabas show us rather than tell us how to influence our patch of the world for Jesus Christ (see 1 Corinthians 11:1). He shows a practical and accessible way for any ordinary believer—like you and me—to influence culture for Jesus Christ. And such an influence begins precisely where you are with the people already in your daily life. Barnabas understood how to make disciples. He knew you could influence others for God by injecting yourself into their lives. You rub off on them by being close.


Who in your life has had the greatest influence on showing you how to be a disciple of Christ?

What reasons do you sometimes give yourself as to why you can’t have an influence for Christ in the culture and lives around you?

Every believer is called to be salt and light in the world. What steps can you take to be a more visible example of the best and most attractive way of life through Christ?


Thank you, God, that you choose to use ordinary people who love you to change the world for your glory. Please place people in my life who model godly living, as well as people who need to see your love and redemption through me. May I have the courage, motivation, and insight from you to rub off on those who need to see you. Thank you that all praise and glory for any godly influence my life has on others belongs to you. Amen.

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The Barnabas Way of Shaping Lives for Jesus: A 5-Day Devotional

This reading plan includes five daily devotions based on Jonathan Murphy’s book Authentic Influencer: The Barnabas Way of Shaping Lives for Jesus. Through this study, you will learn from a remarkable man of God, nicknamed Barnabas, and his heart for influencing people to take God’s vision forward. As you walk with Barnabas, you will learn to shape the world for Jesus Christ—one life at a time.
