The Countdown: 7-Day Devotional for the Soon-to-Be HusbandÀpẹrẹ

The Countdown: 7-Day Devotional for the Soon-to-Be Husband

Ọjọ́ 2 nínú 7


Alright. You are one day closer until your wedding day. Let’s take a deep breath!

In the previous devotional, we discussed the role of leadership, specifically servant leadership. As a husband, you will continue to see what a blessing it really is for you to lead your family.

Today, I want you to focus on the word purity and what it means to you. As a man, you have the opportunity to also lead in this area as well. Personally, I knew I was ready to marry my lovely wife when I had self-control in the area of purity. Very specifically, I had not watched any pornography in a couple of years. Praise God, I was delivered! If you might be struggling with impurity in any area, I am here to tell you there is hope.

Psalms 119:9-11 says “How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word. I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. (NIV)

Question: How is your purity? The Psalmist gives us a strategy to stay pure in these verses. First, we must strive to live according to His word. To live according to His word, we have to know His word. How well do you know the Word of God? Do you try to commit God’s word to memory?

Secondly, we must seek Him with our whole heart and not stray from His commands. And lastly, we have to take the word of God and hide it in our hearts. This means we have to move it from head knowledge to the heart, applying it to our daily spiritual walk.

Here is one quick illustration. I personally do this whenever I am tempted by an unclean spirit of lust. Yes, that’s right. Even though you will be married, you still can get tempted by the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes. Whenever you are tempted, quickly take a scripture that you have memorized (for example Psalm 23) and continue to recite it until the temptation fades away. Then remove yourself or the thing that is causing you to be tempted out of your area, whether an image on a screen or if you are at a place where you are tempted by a person’s looks/attire. We all must do what the Bible says and flee.

Remember, it is impossible that a positive and negative thought can be in your mind at the same time. Find a scripture, insert that scripture and let it transform your mind and your heart. As the future head and leader of your home, I encourage you to really take this seriously. You don’t want to bring anything from your past into your marriage, especially into the bedroom.


Father, thank You so much for Your restoration power. I repent for not always living a pure life. Holy Spirit, guide me on what scriptures I need to memorize and hide them in my heart so I don’t continue to sin against You. Help my future wife and I remain pure until the altar and beyond. Also, help me lead my future family in the area of purity. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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The Countdown: 7-Day Devotional for the Soon-to-Be Husband

Planning on getting married? Feeling nervous or unprepared as a soon-to-be husband? You are not alone! Damien had similar feelings and wants to be your honorary best man and share 7 essential keys to focus on during your engagement. Join him as he provides wisdom based on biblical principles and personal experiences to encourage you throughout this journey. Let the Countdown begin.
