The Love of God - the Plumb LineÀpẹrẹ

The Love of God - the Plumb Line

Ọjọ́ 5 nínú 5

What is our response?

What better response to the love of God than to love Him back? Does God need our love? NO! We don’t love God because He is needy, a narcissist, or because He is insecure. He does not need our love. We were created to have fellowship with God. Jesus died so that we could once again have a relationship with God and rule over the earth. That is how important developing a relationship with God is, not so that now we can come up with our list of “give me this and that.”

Knowing the love of God makes us secure sons and daughters and faithful in service. We will want to live to please our Lord and Master. We will want to find out why God chose us out of billions of people, and seek to fulfill that purpose. Our love for God will make us want to be more like His son Jesus, to listen to and obey His voice.

We will delight in the things that bring God joy. Our affections and desires will change. Our hearts will beat for the same things on God’s heart, and so we will ask in agreement with His will and therefore see prayers being answered.

We will love others with the love of God flowing through us. Our love for God must be demonstrated in how we love people. We will love His body the church, find our place in it, and serve wholeheartedly as unto Jesus! All this starts with knowing how much God loves us!

Wherever you have been in your faith journey, you are still a work in progress.

If you have been walking faithfully, there is so much more.

If you have been stagnant, allow your heart to be ignited by reminding yourself of the hope to which you have been called.

If you have drifted, allow Jesus to woo you back to Himself. His loving kindness leads us to repentance.

What is repentance? It is changing the way you believe, think, feel and act. It is not beating yourself up. It is not feeling regretful. It is a godly conviction to know we have grieved the heart of God, and not because of the fear of punishment.

So, wherever we are in your journey, we stand at the crossroads of our past and future opportunities that Grace gives us. Let us allow the love of God to flood and drench our hearts this new season. Come back to the plumb line of walking in the knowledge of God’s love. Then from that place, live to bring Him glory!

If this devotion encouraged you, you could access more devotionals by this author by searching for, Navaz DCruz. Thank you, and God bless.


Is there anything you will do differently because of this study?

What will you do in response to God’s lavish love upon you?

Practically, how will you grow your love for others and the church?

Read a related plan by the author titled, The Continuum: Rooted, Built Up & Strengthened

Ọjọ́ 4

Nípa Ìpèsè yìí

The Love of God - the Plumb Line

As we start the new year, there are some constants of which we need to be reminded. This 5-day reflection written by Navaz DCruz helps to remind us that the love of God is a constant and a plumbline we need to live by and adjust our lives.
