A Fruit In SeasonÀpẹrẹ

A Fruit In Season

Ọjọ́ 3 nínú 9


“Inner peace” is a state of internal calm and self-acceptance. If you have it, you’re able to transcend past regrets and future worries. You’re unruffled by the behavior of others.

But there’s a catch. Inner peace has to come from, well, within. It requires a great mastery of self. After all, what “Zen den” is so deep that regret and fear can’t claw out? We can train our minds and tether our negativity, but no matter how strong our will, we cannot control them always. Inner peace has limits.

If only our mistakes could be ripped from the ledger, never to raise their accusing voices again! If only, instead of mere acceptance of those mistakes, there was payment for them. If only we had an outside voice, not an inner one, reminding us regularly and with great authority, that peace was ours. If only that peace was so formidably fashioned that fear could no longer stalk our hearts and guilt could no longer hold our minds hostage. Wouldn’t that just boggle your brain?

There is such a peace. It was forged by Jesus in the furnace of Good Friday. Flourished at his empty tomb on Easter Sunday. Honed by the Holy Spirit whenever we hear God’s promise of forgiveness. It stands guard at our hearts and minds so that fear and guilt cannot gain entry. It’s not inner peace. It’s an astonishing peace.

“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7).

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Nípa Ìpèsè yìí

A Fruit In Season

God wants his people to bear fruit, fruit that is never out of season. A Christian’s fruit proceeds from the hidden work of the Holy Spirit. Through the gospel of God’s love, the Spirit changes us, enabling us to bear “the fruit of the Spirit.”
