Pursuing Your Spouse in Marriage | Part 2Àpẹrẹ

Pursuing Your Spouse in Marriage | Part 2

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Pursue God Together

Oneness in marriage is more than an ideal, and it goes beyond two people agreeing on things. The Bible compares marriage to Jesus' relationship with the church: It’s “a great mystery, but it is an illustration of the way Christ and the church are one;” a reflection of God’s amazing love and the lengths he went to to bring us into relationship with Him.

At Awesome Marriage, we love to look at how marriage fulfills the idea in Ecclesiastes of a “cord of three strands”—husband, wife, and God. Keeping God at the center of your marriage orients your priorities and strengthens your bond with each other as you stay each in tune with Him, and creates a bond that is “not easily broken.”

No one knows our spouse’s weaknesses and the burdens they bear better than you do. So don’t hold those things over their head; instead use them as opportunities to love and to serve well. Where your spouse is weak, share your strength. When we have been woven together by our marriage covenant into “a cord of three strands,” we never have to walk alone. We have our spouse’s back, and they have ours too.

And it’s not just a nice idea. The source of our love is the eternal and unconditional love of God, whose perfect love sought us out “in advance,” and sacrificed Christ to bring us into perfect union with himself. We don’t have to invent love or generate it all on our own, but living within God’s perfect love for us, we reflect His love to those around us. He has “showered us with his kindness,” (Eph. 1:8). As our closest relationship, our spouse should be a recipient of this.

Going Deeper

  • Is your marriage a “cord of three strands?”
  • How do you pursue God daily? How does this shape your days?
  • How can you pursue God together?
  • How can you practically share your strength where your spouse is weak?
  • How can you serve and love your spouse in their weakness instead of holding it over their head?
Ọjọ́ 2

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Pursuing Your Spouse in Marriage | Part 2

Pursuing our spouse helps us keep getting to know, understand, and love them well. We’re all created with a desire to be deeply known and fully loved. Only God can fully fulfill this, yet as our most intimate human relationship, marriage is an opportunity to continue growing in intimacy and love throughout all our days together. This 3-day plan written by Lindsay Few brings encouragement to pursue your spouse well.
