Power PlayÀpẹrẹ

Power Play

Ọjọ́ 4 nínú 15

Close your eyes and think about the best leader you’ve had in your life. It could be a teacher who brought out the very best in you as you were growing up. Maybe it was a boss at work who helped you to succeed and grow in your company. Think about the specific things they said and did that showed you that they were a good leader.

Now, because we’re all human, even those great leaders probably said or did things you didn’t agree with. They could have been frustrated one day and used a rude tone, potentially blamed you for something you didn’t do, or maybe even ignored a contribution you spent weeks working on. Even though you consider them great leaders, they weren’t always perfect.

Sometimes we have to look for the good, even when we think an authority figure isn’t always the best. This doesn’t mean we excuse bad behavior or we allow others to treat us poorly; instead, we recognize that leaders are still human. They still make mistakes.

Today, think about a leader who you want to pray for this week. Set aside time each day to pray for this person, asking God to help them be the best leader they can be and use the power and authority they’ve been given wisely.

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Nípa Ìpèsè yìí

Power Play

Every day we see people use whatever power they have to either lift up or knock down, cause change or further self-interest, or do whatever it takes to get ahead. Jesus showed how to use power to treat others around us, even those with more power and authority who we may disagree with. No matter how much or little we have, we’re called to use our power for good.
