God Is Love: A Study in 1 JohnÀpẹrẹ

God Is Love: A Study in 1 John

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What does it say?

Jesus advocates for believers before the Father and is the propitiation for their sins. Living as Jesus lived is evidence of accepting Jesus’ sacrifice as one’s own.

What does it mean?

Just as an attorney goes before a judge for his clients, Jesus advocates on behalf of His followers before the Heavenly Father. He not only pleads for believers, He is their atoning sacrifice, satisfying the payment for sin – a payment He knew no one else could make. With these facts in mind, John urged his readers to live as Jesus lived: loving each other, staying away from willful sin, and obeying God’s Word. No follower of Christ wants to be ashamed when He returns. Being a child of God comes with great privilege and responsibility.

How should I respond?

No one wants to stand before a judge without someone to plead his or her case. Have you accepted Jesus as your advocate? If so, what evidence have you shown of following Him this week? Living as Jesus lived will be seen by how you treat others as well as how you spend your time and money. As Jesus’ life on the earth stood out from the rest of the world – so should yours. Throughout the day, be aware of words or actions that conflict with the attitudes Jesus modeled in Scripture. If you were accused of being a Christian today, would there be enough evidence to convict you?

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God Is Love: A Study in 1 John

1 John is one of three letters written by John the Beloved, the same author as the Gospel of John and Revelation. Written as a response to false teaching in the church, John reminds his readers that just as God is both love and light, true believers are to show love and light to the world.
