What's the Point? (A Study in Ecclesiastes: Part 1)Àpẹrẹ

What's the Point? (A Study in Ecclesiastes: Part 1)

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A Journey with “Q”

Ecclesiastes is one of the wisdom books of the Old Testament, but it sounds a lot different than Job or Proverbs. The voice of the book is “the Preacher” (Qohelet in Hebrew- we’ll call him “Q”), and the book is his recorded reflections on his search to find meaning in life on earth, “under the sun.” Q tries all the different paths and finds them all unsatisfactory. Ultimately, he will conclude that the one sure way to find meaning is to fear God and keep His commandments (Ecclesiastes 12:13). But, his journey toward that conclusion is twisting and winding through the “vanities” of life. Our journey through the three parts of this study will follow the themes of his search rather than a linear reading of the twelve chapters.

Who was Q? He may have been King Solomon, or more likely, someone who wanted to associate himself with the wisdom tradition of Solomon. And right at the beginning of this book, Q makes his depressing point that all life is “vanity” or “meaningless.” The Hebrew word used here is “hevel,” which means smoke or vapor, or something that is an enigma. Our lives are temporary, and we may seek to find the purpose and meaning to our lives for years and still find that it slips through our fingers as smoke cannot be held onto. We often wonder, “why did this happen to me?” “How do I find true enjoyment in life?” “What is my purpose?” “WHAT’S THE POINT?” All of us have a lingering feeling that life just doesn’t work out the way we want it to. This study is our journey with Q as he explores life “under the sun.”

Ask Yourself: What are some of the big life questions that I am currently wrestling with?

Pause to Pray: God, lead me to your answers, to your light of truth as I wrestle with my own questions, fears, and doubts. Let Ecclesiastes teach me more about you. Amen

Take the Next Step: Find a trustworthy friend with whom you can share the big life questions that you are currently asking yourself. Invite them to join you in this study!

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What's the Point? (A Study in Ecclesiastes: Part 1)

God created us to find meaning in our lives. But we live in a broken world where we’re continually frustrated in our search. So, what’s the point of living life? This is the question the Teacher in Ecclesiastes is asking. At first, the message of this wisdom book seems to lead to despair, but in fact points to the hope of life found in God alone.
