When You've Been Hurt by the Church Àpẹrẹ

When You've Been Hurt by the Church

Ọjọ́ 7 nínú 7

Respond with Courage

After a church hurt, our last action step is to respond with courage and the willingness to try again. The truth is, facing trauma is never easy. Attending a similar place where the trauma occurred is practically impossible to navigate through without the help of the Lord. Despite the church hurt you experienced, the Bible encourages us to "not give up" on meeting.

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." Hebrews 10:24

If you have experienced church hurt, it may be tempting to give up on organized religion. This choice will allow the pain to override the command to fellowship with other believers. It is tempting to completely withdraw from the Christian faith to protect one's heart. The truth is that many life-giving churches are safe places. There are ministries with authentic communities that do not play favorites, gossip, or leave a trail of pain with their members. Some churches have a strong passion for helping restore those the local church has hurt.

As a believer, you do a grave injustice when you try to walk in your faith alone. We were made for community. Let's not give up on all churches because of our experience with one. Give it another try.

I also want to encourage you not to give up on the Lord! Those who have hurt us may have robbed us of our sanity, emotional health, and self-esteem for a season, but God is not man. His character is altogether different.

Let's not allow anyone to rob us of a beautiful relationship with God. In Him, we find our comfort, restoration, and security. May we not miss a lifetime with the Lord over a momentary frustration with people.

Break free from the bondage of the words and actions of others. It starts with a single courageous step. What is your courageous step?

Is it to receive counseling?

Is it visiting a new church?

Is it finally accepting the apology given or giving one?

Is it using your hurt as an opportunity to love God's people?

Will you commit to praying about this situation for the next month, year, or until you can truly find freedom?

Will your courageous step be to no longer gossip about those involved?

The Church and the relationships created can be transformative. Let us no longer allow the pain to leave us bitter and isolated in our Christian walk. God is still a healer and can restore us from the pain we've experienced if we're willing to pray and act! You can recover from the church hurt you've experienced; I am living proof.

Deeper Discussion

  1. What courageous action step should you start today?
  2. In what ways have the words and actions of others kept you in bondage?
  3. Read 1 Chronicles 28:20, Deuteronomy 31:6-8, 1 Corinthians 15:58. Based on these verses, what reassurance does the Lord give us about stepping out in courage?
Ọjọ́ 6

Nípa Ìpèsè yìí

When You've Been Hurt by the Church

The church should be a place where people can encounter God's love, find community, and become equipped to share the Gospel. Yet, many have entered the church to find healing but leave more broken than before. Church hurt can be devastating but should never cause us to walk away from Christ. In this plan, you will become equipped with action steps to heal from the pain of church hurt.
