Moments for Mums: Not Alone - Part 1Àpẹrẹ

Moments for Mums: Not Alone - Part 1

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I love the imagery of Aaron and Hur holding up Moses’ arms when he grew too weary to do so himself (see Exodus 17:12). Or Simon of Cyrene carrying Jesus’ cross for Him when He was weak, bleeding, and bruised (Matthew 27:32).

Both scenarios depict our human weaknesses, and the fact that we can’t do hard things, or God things, alone.

Motherhood is also a time when we can feel weak. Birth and the early days can knock you around like nothing you’ve ever known. Life with under-fives is a rollercoaster in and out of sleep deprivation, heightened emotion, and unwashed hair.

But whether it's raising small humans, working hard in our business or job, caring for family members with special needs, or volunteering for a cause – we need a team. People to come alongside us, people to cheer us on, and people to hold up our hands (or hold a baby) when we can’t do it any longer.

Are you surrounded by people who can help you, or do you feel alone? Ask God to give you your people, and the courage to be that person to someone else. He is faithful to answer our prayers. Just watch Him do it.

Heavenly Father, You have not created us to be alone. I pray that You would surround me with people who will support me and encourage me in my walk with You. I also ask that You help me carry others’ burdens as a way of demonstrating Your love. Amen.

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Moments for Mums: Not Alone - Part 1

Do you ever struggle with feeling lonely? So many of us do as mums, even if we rarely have ‘alone’ time. Our burdens can feel so heavy when we try to carry them alone. Let these reflections remind you that you are not alone. Moments for Mums: Encouragement for mums in the midst of the beautiful mess of parenting and life. Presented by MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) Australia.
