This Changes EverythingÀpẹrẹ

This Changes Everything

Ọjọ́ 2 nínú 5


Although technically speaking, there is only one person with a fully human nature within the trinity, the story of God is not a one-man-show. As the trinitarian systematic theologian, Fred Sanders so eloquently puts it, “God the Father sent the Son to do something for us, and the Spirit to be something in us, to bring us into the family life of God.” I love how simple this is!

The Holy Spirit’s role in salvation is sometimes forgotten. Often the Holy Spirit is called the “Cinderella of the theological ball.” Some forget that the Holy Spirit was active and involved in the world prior to the day of Pentecost! However, when we explore the scriptures with great care, we can see that quite the opposite is true.

Today’s devotion focusses on one aspect of the Spirit’s involvement –Jesus’ Reading of the Isaiah scroll at the synagogue.

Jesus takes up a scroll and reads, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.” He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

From a careful reading of this passage, we see at least two things that the Spirit is up to here:

1.The Spirit had sent Jesus

2.The Spirit is upon Jesus

Earlier in verse 14 of chapter 4, Jesus returns from the wilderness, – where the Spirit had led him – in the power of the Spirit. We can safely assume it was the same power that led him to minister and teach in the synagogues. Much like we see in him reading the scroll of Isaiah. Do you see? The Spirit is involved in the directing of Jesus’s activity.

The second aspect is that Jesus appears to be aware of his anointing. He knows that the Spirit is upon him. A phrase here is echoing the historic activity of prophets anointing kings of Israel with oil. Even just looking at the two aspects of the Spirit’s activity in Luke’s gospel account we get a glimpse into the triune saving activity of God. Not just work on the cross, though essential, it alone does not save. The work of the Spirit is essential in the beautiful story of salvation. I love how the great theologian T. F. Torrance put it “Through the blood of Christ we are redeemed from the guilt of sin, but through the Spirit of Christ we are redeemed into the life of God."

Prayer Point: Holy God, you are not divided, or disordered. You act perfectly in every way. I thank you for your saving wisdom and splendorous works throughout the earth. Almighty Father, creator of heaven and earth, bring about your kingdom among us –on earth as it is in heaven. Lord Jesus Christ, begotten Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner. Holy Spirit, breath of God, refresh and renew me and all the world, as you bring about the transformation of all creation and restoration of life among your people. Amen.

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Nípa Ìpèsè yìí

This Changes Everything

Through this plan, we hope for you to know with great clarity and simplicity, what Jesus did on the cross, how he rose again, ascended into heaven, is now seated at the right hand of the Father, and is going to return! This event is the centrepiece of our faith through which we are being transformed, and upon which we build our lives. This, indeed, changes everything.
